Switzerland – Massacre in Zug: ecumenical ” “solidarity ” “” “

“The act of madness that sowed death in the very heart of the government and parliament of Zug, has profoundly shocked us. We pray for the victims and testify to our solidarity with the families and with the cantonal authorities”. So begins the joint communiqué signed by the Swiss Bishops’ Conference (CES) and by the Federation of the Protestant Churches of Switzerland (FEPS) issued on 28 September, just a few hours after the irruption into the debating chamber of the Grand Council of Zug of a man who killed in cold blood 3 ministers and 11 deputies. “What can we say – write the Catholics and Protestants in their joint communiqué – of so tragic an event that comes so hard on the heel of other terrible atrocities. This unprecedented event, which touches the very heart of our democratic system, demonstrates to us that violence does not stop at our doors and that we too are involved in such acts. Of course – add the Churches – the security of our institutions will have to be rethought and the serenity of their foundations guaranteed. But we must also conduct, each one of us, a serious examination of conscience. We are called to work for a real change in mentality. Today we weep for the citizens of Zug. And we ask God for the strength to face the future and find – as far as is possible – interior peace“. The Pope sent a telegram of condolence to the Bishop of Basel, Msgr. Kurt Koch.