
” “EU legislation” “

In the course of last week, the following legislative acts, among others, entered into force: Regulation (EC) no. 1934/2001 of the Commission, of 1/10/2001, that modifies regulation (EC) no. 296/96 relating to the data that must be furnished by the member States and to the monthly accountancy of the costs financed by the “guarantee” section of the European Agriculture Fund for orientation and guarantee (FEAOG) (GUCE L 262/8, 2/10/2001); Amendment of Directive 97/36/EC of the EP and Council, of 30/6/1997, modifying Directive 89/552/EEC of the Council relating to the coordination of certain legislative, regulatory and administrative measures of the member States concerning the exercise of television activities (GU L 202, 30/7/1997) (GUCE L 265/42, 5/10/2001).