Austria: ” “enhancing the role of the laity” “” “

The contribution ” “of the laity ” “in administering a diocese: ” “the experience of the ” “bishop of Innsbruck” “” “” “

Ongoing formation, collaboration with the laity, the intelligent use of the means of communication, public relations: these were the main issues tackled by Msgr. Alois Kothgasser , of the Salesian order, bishop of Innsbruck (Austria), in his address to the 10th ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, being held in the Vatican from 30 September to 27 October, on the theme: “The bishop: servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the hope of the world”. Msgr. Kothgasser is the only representative of the Austrian Episcopal Conference attending the Synod of Bishops. We interviewed him, in the course of the third week of the Assembly’s work. In your address you spoke of the need for the ongoing formation of bishops. In what fields? “First of all in the theological field, because our pastoral work unfortunately does not leave us much time for studying. We bishops have a need periodically to spend time reflecting on theological problems, with the help of experts. Another aspect that needs to be developed in the ongoing formation of bishops is undoubtedly the aspect of communication: often we find ourselves having to chair meetings, speak in public, relate to a great variety of people, or we are the focus of attention by the mass media, or we must use the new means of communication, such as the Internet. That’s why it’s essential to be familiar with these means, fully understand their value and learn to make use of them, as well as to learn how correctly to conduct ourselves in certain situations”. You recommended that public relations be cultivated with particular attention. In what situations in particular? “In my ministry I pay particular attention to relations with the world of culture. I observe in fact a certain ‘banalization’ of cultural expressions, a certain disinterest in this field. That’s why I believe it’s essential to strive to promote contacts with men of culture, encourage those who are well prepared to make their own contribution and try to close the gap between youth and culture”. What relations do you have with the youth of your diocese? “I try to be close to them and to accompany them in their life. We find ourselves in a situation of crisis: young people are faced by so many offers of liberation and the ephemeral enjoyment of life. We must try to reunite these youngsters to help them to grow and to foster in them a life inspired by the authentic Christian values”. In your address to the Synod you also recommended your fellow bishops to make better use of the assistance of laypeople in the diocese. In what sectors? “There are laypeople who have valuable skills in various fields: from education to financial administration, from pastoral work to the use of the media. We must exploit their skills to give greater energy to our pastoral action which is a joint mission of bishops, priests and laity. The bishop is the animator and coordinator of pastoral action, but it needs to be pursued with the contribution of the whole Christian community”. In your diocese, what sectors have you entrusted to the responsibility of the laity? “First of all there’s a layman in charge of the financial administration of the diocese. Then there’s a lay woman, mother of a family, who heads the diocesan commission on women’s problems. I’ve set up a lay council comprising representatives of the various ecclesial associations, movements and organizations in the diocese. I’ve also established a council for European affairs that examines the problems of immigration, agriculture, the single currency and anything else involving relations with the other Churches and countries of Europe”. Ignazio Ingrao