agenda" "

EU legislation” “

Over the last week, the following legislative acts and communications, among others, came into force: · Regulation (EC) no. 2020/2001 of the Commission, of 15/10/2001, relating to the nomenclature of countries and territories for the statistics of the Community’s foreign trade and trade between its member States (GUCE L 273/6, 16/10/2001); · Resolution of the Council of 8/10/2001 “e-Participation” – Exploiting the potential offered by the information society with a view to social inclusion (GUCE C 292/6, 18/10/2001); · Regulation (EC) no. 2062/2001 of the Commission, of 19/10/2001, amending for the third time Regulation (EC) no. 467/2001 of the Council that prohibits the export of some goods and services to Afghanistan, steps up the prohibition of flights, extends the freezing of capital and other financial resources controlled by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and abrogates Regulation (EC) no. 337/2000 (GUCE L 277/25, 20/10/2001).