Dialogue begins from below” “

” “In recent months, twinning arrangements between dioceses and parishes” “have taken the place of official relations, says Father Kuciumov,” “representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow in Italy” “

There was “incomprehension” on the part of the Patriarchate of Moscow for the Pope’s visit to the Ukraine, but “the intention to continue the dialogue with all our strength and overcome the obstacles that divide us remains firm”. That’s how Father Vladimir Kuciumov , representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow in Italy, speaks of the dialogue between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. We interviewed him. At what point is the dialogue between the churches? “We are not in a very favourable period just now. Actions at the official level between the two churches do not exist, even though the local dialogue continues. In recent months, indeed, contacts and twinning arrangements between dioceses and parishes have taken the place of official bilateral activities. An example of this is the twinning between the archdiocese of Milan and that of Kostroma”. What paths to closer dialogue can be pursued? “The coldness in dialogue is temporary and may be overcome if we start out from the local level. Dialogue begins from below and is based on people getting to know each other. Only a normal everyday process of dialogue can overcome the official divergences. The two dimensions, the political one and the quotidian one, are interdependent but different the one from the other. They accompany each other, go hand in hand, they are of reciprocal stimulus”. What’s the climate in dialogue after the Pope’s visit to the Ukraine? “The churches are trying to understand what has happened and to find new ideas for continuing the process. The authorities are thinking what to do, and how to overcome the obstacles”. Is a journey of the Pope to Moscow conceivable? “Today it’s more difficult than it was before. In Russia the wound opened by the Pope’s visit to the Ukraine is still open, even if two months have since elapsed. The Russian Orthodox Church is always open to dialogue, but to effective dialogue. Meetings that produce no practical results are pointless. Dialogue, yes, but effective dialogue. We cannot permit ourselves to waste years in declarations that have no practical application”. What are the problems that Moscow has most at heart? “We want clarity on the present-day situation. We want to begin concrete steps to regularize the situation in the western Ukraine and clarify the question of proselytism in Russia. It is on these levels that we await collaboration and reciprocity from the Catholic Church. We know that Rome is willing to find the right solution in full respect for the Orthodox community. For our part, we want to overcome the obstacles that have divided us for twelve years. I’m an optimist. Besides we are apostolic Churches; we have the same origins. There is no other way forward. We must find peace between us. And this depends on our good will and effectiveness. The one way forward is that of love and justice. Only mutual love can dismantle the frontiers between us”. What contribution to dialogue may be offered by the new document on the social conception of the Patriarchate of Moscow? “It may be a key for reopening dialogue. We are living in a world without frontiers. Societies everywhere face the same problems. We must think how, for example, to contribute to averting the threat of terrorism, which is contrary to any kind of spirituality. We have so many questions to discuss together and not only of an ecclesiastical nature. We risk being perfect in an imperfect society. The Churches form part of this society. That’s why it’s essential for us to deal also with the burning issues posed to us by modernity today”. Such as? “In particular the question of bioethics, a delicate problem and one of common interest. It’s an issue that cuts across all boundaries and may become a fruitful ground for dialogue. There are questions that await a joint response by the churches. As in the case of cloning, a threat to the very principle of humanity and its link with God”. Valentina Conte