2003: year of the disabled” “

The European Parliament approved the Report of Mr Lynne (ELDR, Ireland) on the proposed decision of the Council to denominate 2003 the “European Year of persons with disabilities”. The report urges that the fundamental dimension of the struggle against the various forms of discrimination, material and psychological, that the disabled suffer in their daily lives be incorporated in all EU policies. The text approved by the Assembly emphasizes the “huge contribution” that the handicapped can make to society, not least the virtues of greater toleration, understanding and consciousness of the needs of others. The Year of the Disabled in 2003 ought to represent a suitable moment for the general awareness of European and world public opinion to be raised, for citizens to be informed and formed on the problems of the disabled and also for the adoption of measures aimed at their complete integration in society. The Commission for liberties, citizens’ rights, justice and internal affairs approved an amendment that raised the budgetary allocation for the European Year from 740,000 ros to 2 and a half million euros.