European Parliament” “

The EP met at Strasbourg in plenary session from 12 to 15 November. The main points on the agenda were the following: · Communications of the European Commission on the question of enlargement; · Joint discussion on European Space research (pluriannual framework programme 2002-2006 of the EC and the European Atomic Energy Community); · Discussion and vote on the report relating to the proposal of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of Sweden in view of the adoption of the decision of the Council extending the mandate of Europol to the grave forms of international criminality enumerated in the annex of the Europol Convention, and to the proposal of the Kingdom of Sweden in view of the adoption of the act of the Council modifying the act of the Council of 12/3/1999 establishing the norms for the transmission of data of a personal character by Europol to third States and organizations (rapporteur: Turco); · Discussion and vote on the report regarding the proposal of the Kingdom of Belgium, the French Republic, the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom in view of the adoption by the Council of a framework decision relating to joint investigative teams (rapporteur: Kirkhope); · Discussion and vote on the report regarding the adaptation of the Regulation of the EP to Regulation (EC) no. 1049/2001 of the EP and the Council relating to public access to the documents of the EP, the Council and the Commission (rapporteur: Maij-Weggen); · Discussion and vote on the report regarding the common Project decided by the EP and the Council that establishes a Community programme of action aimed at encouraging cooperation between member States with a view to combating social exclusion (rapporteur: Figueiredo); · Discussion and vote on the report regarding the proposal and decision of the Council relating to the year of persons with disabilities – 2003 (rapporteur: Lynne); · Discussion and vote on the report regarding the Communication of the Commission to the Council: “New European labour markets, open and accessible to everyone” (rapporteur: Nobilia).