KEK: more cooperation between Europe and the USA” “

In the light of the tragic events that have happened in the world following 11 September, deeper cooperation needs to be fostered between the European Churches and the Churches of the United States. The appeal was made by the secretary general of KEK (Conference of the European Churches), Keith Clements, during his meeting with the National Council of the Churches of Christ at Oakland, in California, on 14 November. “Both in Europe and in the United States – said Clements – we have become conscious, as never before, of a profound sense of vulnerability which other peoples in the world have long been familiar with. Perhaps God is telling us that a shared vulnerability may be more important than a privileged security. We must now ask ourselves on what level the common responsibility of men of faith should be expressed”. In this regard, Clements recalled the commitment signed by European Christians in the ecumenical Charter signed in Strasbourg in April this year. On that occasion the European Churches pledged to work for peace, and to try in particular to bring conflicts onto the path of non violence and negotiation. This pledge, however – Clements added – today requires “a joint action with the Churches of the United States for a common appeal to the European and US governments” which may also involve NATO and the European institutions.