
Message of CCEE Bishops: “The Church loves Europe; she believes in its future”

“Despite the tendencies of isolation, we believe in that very unity of spiritual and ethical ideals that have always constituted Europe’s destiny and soul”, the European bishops declared in their final statement to the European Continent from Minsk. Their message to youths: “The Church firmly believes in young people, she esteems and trusts them, as a mother does with her children”

“The Church loves Europe and believes in its future.” This message of hope in the European continent despite the winds of populism, the closing of borders, the lack of confidence in the Union project, hovering upon these ancient lands was addressed from Minsk by the bishops Presidents of all European Episcopal Conferences at the end of the plenary assembly held September 27 through October 1st.

“Despite the tendencies to isolation – reads the message – we believe in the unity of the spiritual and ethical ideals that constituted the soul and destiny of Europe. We believe in a continuous path of reconciliation that is embedded in history and in life itself, that leads to respect and to the enhancement of world traditions and faiths, against all forms of extremism.”

The bishops call upon Europe to open up “to religion, transcendence, solidarity-based relationships, to communion” and to the Gospel. It is the spirit that inspired “Europe’s journey”, which has not always been easy, and that has equally “enlightened the same migration phenomenon”, to be met with “reception, integration, and legality, despite difficulties and fears, in the awareness of the need for joint responsibility.”

Over the past few days the bishops worked in small groups and in plenary meetings, analysing various viewpoints and perspectives of the European continent also in geographic terms. They spoke about the major problems that afflict European peoples: loneliness, labour and unemployment, the throwaway culture, arms trafficking and the trafficking of human beings, terrorism. Monsignor Stanislaw Gadecki, Archbishop of Poznan, CCEE Vice-President, described a Europe that has grown “poor, like a museum of bygone times, a sterile, wearied and wounded woman” that “it lost its direction towards the Skies, towards Transcendence.” The bishops’ words are also meant to be words of “friendship”:“we love Europe, we are not indifferent to its wounds.”

In this process aimed to revive European roots, the Church – said Cardinal Angelo Bangasco, CCEE President – “wishes to be present with her specific purpose, that is Gospel proclamation.” The best “allies” in proclaiming the Gospel in today’s Europe are neither organizations nor resources, nor are they pre-set programmes. The best ally is the heart of humankind that cherishes the fundamental yearning for goodness and the irrepressible quest for the truth. This yearning may be anesthetized, but it never dies, sooner or later its flame is rekindled. It’s time for Europe to reawaken its human conscience.”

Youths inhabit this Europe; today, thinking about the future of this land means caring for them. The bishops devoted a whole day to the situation of young people in European countries. Their reflections – that are also the fruit of the Symposium held in Barcelona past March, which brought together national delegates for the Pastoral Care of university and youth, of vocations and school ministry – form the content of a document that will be presented to the Secretariat of the Bishops’ Synod, meant as CCEE’s contribution to the preparations.

“The Church firmly believes in young people, she trusts and esteems them like mother does with her children”, the bishops wrote in their final statement. A set of concerns emerged during the meeting. The bishops addressed the issue of a liquid culture perceived at various levels: “exasperated and widespread individualism causes uncertainty and loneliness, along with conflicts and injustices which continue harming the great good of peace.” “For all these reasons – the bishops wrote – we hereby reconfirm our commitment to accompany them and walk with them; to make them feel that the Gospel is the proclamation of a heartfelt YES to life, to love, to freedom, to joy: it’s a YES to Christ.”