
Albania: do you wish to proclaim the Gospel? Rrëshen is waiting for you. Take the bishop’s word for it!

The pastor of the community of Rrëshen, in the north-eastern region of Albania, wrote an open letter with an invitation to his diocese to spread the “good news.” The region is marked by poverty and emigration, and the ecclesial environment suffers from a shortage of “Gospel workers.” Despite the many positive examples of relentless dedication to the faith, the churches now risk growing empty. “There is the need to proclaim the Kingdom of God.” It is hoped that priests, men and women religious may opt for this “adventure”, said Msgr. Meta, opening his home. “You will be evangelized by the poor”, he added

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

Do you wish to proclaim the Gospel to the poor? Come to Rrëshen!

Are you a priest? A community of men or women religious? Do you yearn to proclaim the Gospel to the poor? Come and visit the diocese of Rrëshen in Albania. It’s the invitation to carry out the mission in the diocese of Rrëshen; an invitation to have a beautiful evangelical experience: to proclaim the Gospel to the poor. The diocese where I was appointed pastor is located in the north-east of the  Country. It includes the districts of Mirdita, Mat and Dibra. It was created in 1996 by uniting the three traditional dioceses of Albania: Nullius Abbey in Orosh, a part of the diocese of Durrës and the parish of Rubik, previously located in the district of Lezha.

Our diocese is one of the poorest in the Country, both in social and ecclesial terms.

It is poor like the rest of Albania, although more than 25 years have passed since the fall of the Communist regime that put the Country on its knees with repression, poverty and lack of freedom.

A lot has been done at local level over the past 26 years thanks to the commitment of many missionaries and priests. However, in the same period of time 60% of the population migrated to large cities large Tirana, Durres, Lezha and to the southern regions of Albania. Only a few families are still living in the villages most of whom are very poor and seldom leave their homes located in impervious mountain areas. But if it were possible they would live elsewhere to provide an education to their offspring and lead a more dignified life. 
Catholic missionaries have worked in these areas for many years, and some of them are still here, but unfortunately, also owing to local difficulties, many have decided to leave. It’s understandable and I – as a bishop – don’t blame them for this. Others, however, decided to stay, like Sister Giuseppina, 78, from the order of the young Missionaries of the Eucharist, who has been working here for the past 24 years. She shared her discouragement before the many empty churches – compared to the first years – and growing indifference. Nonetheless, and despite her old age, she continues being faithful to her mission in this diocese with great dedication and fatigue. The same is true for the Somaschi Fathers, two diocesan priests and a fidei donum from the Italian diocese of Brescia, a small number of female congregations: they are few and they carry a heavy burden.

In fact many faithful can’t go to church owing to the lack of priests and missionaries for years.

It’s an area afflicted by deep poverty. Houses and churches are cold during the winter and very warm during the summer, most roads are ruined, the houses are distant from the parish church where Mass is celebrated and Catechism is held. It takes an entire day to come and meet the few families living here.

Local villagers go to church, but in smaller numbers compared to those who define themselves Catholic, since many are indifferent, agnostic or atheists. We need to proclaim the Kingdom of God to them. Furthermore, in some parts of our diocese – especially near Dibra and Mati – the local population is not Christian; and we have no ecclesial presence there except for a small district. Many intellectuals, people with high education, live in our diocese, but they are alien to a life of faith or they practice it in their own ways. They are not against religion, but owing to their formation, shaped under Communist rule, they are distant from the liturgical and sacramental dimension. This situation is in the hands of a small number of us – 6 priests, including the bishop and 7 female congregations. We have almost 40 churches and chapels spread throughout the territory, and many groups of families are isolated in villages located at a great distance from the centre of the diocese. I call upon all those who wish to do so – priests, missionaries, and diocesan priests in particular, to come to Rrëshen to evangelize the poor, those who are distant, and thereby evangelize themselves.

We welcome whoever wishes to come here, but they should prepare for an “adventure”

with few pastoral achievements, without large flocks, where there are no churches full of people. But they will find good-hearted, generous people, intelligent and caring. If they receive love they give love in return. This diocese has a young, enthusiastic bishop who dialogues with the priests. I cannot ensure economic security, we can’t afford a salary to missionaries and priests, and sometimes we even lack the money to buy what is needed to celebrate the liturgy or heating oil, but I can assure that we will share all that we have. You can live with the bishop and lead the life of a bishop.

If you’re a priest and you wish to come as a missionary in Rrëshen, Albania, do come! Don’t hesitate! Your life will change because the poor and the Gospel will change you. But do not forget that the only reason to be a missionary here is the Kingdom of God, and not the intention to flee from unpleasant situations or because you want to be a missionary on a whim, or, even worse, because you have unsolved problems with your bishop or of other nature. Being a missionary is a vocation. To be a missionary you need to be prepared, have a deep knowledge of the Church, pastoral care, and most of all, of the Holy Scriptures. On our part, we will teach you Albanian, which, we are sure, you will learn very quickly. The mission is emanated from the Church and it is carried out on behalf of the Church that sends you and receives you. Come and proclaim the Gospel to the poor and you will be evangelized by the poor!

(*) bishop di Rrëshen