
2018 Elections. A clear, polarized, radicalized vote. What happens next?

Seen from a distance it is unlikely that a majority, and thus a government, will be created. The next step is the election of Chamber and Senate Presidents, a very delicate passage that will put to the test the merit of the Country’s political forces in the identification of high-profile representatives. As for the government, its appointment should take all the time it needs, as has been done elsewhere, without forgetting the invitation of Cardinal Bassetti, CEI President. We must restart from that message with those three verbs. “Rebuilding hope, mending the tear in the Country, pacifying society.” Far from being a sermonizing invitation, it is in fact a specific political necessity.

(Foto: AFP/SIR)

A clear, polarized, radicalised vote. Italians are restless and unsatisfied and at every election the majority coalition changes. Compared to 5 years ago, two million more voted the Five Star Movement, two million more voted the centre-right coalition. The same number of votes were lost by the Democratic Party. In the meantime, two million citizens who had cast their votes for Monti vanished in thin air. Within the centre—right the League Party (no longer “Northern”) gained 4 million votes, thereby ranking first in the coalition.

These are the figures, picturing a torn system rapidly accelerating its pace, “thrown off balance” like few others in Europe. In any case the political groups with “old” candidates – from the Democratic Party to Liberi e Uguali (Free and Equals), from Berlusconi’s Forza Italia to Noi con l’Italia (Us with Italy), were either crushingly defeated or lost consensus. Indeed, the drive to usher in a dramatic change in the Country’s political leadership is increasingly stronger.More than ever, the vote clearly split Italy in half, with the “red”, left-wing area, shrinking more and more. The border separating the right-wing hegemonic group and area, and that of the Five Star movement, passes by Rome and the Lazio region. Italy is divided also in terms of electoral promises, namely, the programs of the two winning coalitions, the centre-right led by the League and that of the Five Star Movement. While the former focused on taxes and national security, the latter was centred on welfare spending and citizenship income.

Possible scenarios. Today’s statements and yesterday’s promises will need to be concretised into programs and government composition. The latter will require time, along with a strong sense of responsibility. In fact no coalition has a majority – coherently with citizens’ constitutional referendum result.
There is an urgent need to reach an agreement, while all those who arbitrarily hint to the possibility of a backroom deal between opposing parties, should be fined.At any rate, election results call for an in-depth reflection on the part of all involved parties – winners and losers alike. They equally solicit a reflection to the so-called Catholic world, exemplifying the need for a new, better political proposal to Catholic voters. Seen from a distance it is unlikely that a majority, and thus a government, will be created. The next step is the election of Chamber and Senate Presidents, a very delicate passage that will put to the test the merit of the political forces in the identification of high-profile representatives.

As for the government, its appointment should take all the time it needs, as has been done elsewhere, without forgetting the invitation of Cardinal Bassetti, CEI President. We must restart from that message with those three verbs.
“Rebuilding hope, mending the tear in the Country, pacifying society.”Far from being a sermonizing invitation, it is in fact a specific political necessity.

The essence of our democracy is strong. Italy is an advanced Country, one of the key-Countries of a Europe that has been struggling with a complex situation for years. The feared drop in polls turnout did not occur. Only two percentage points decline, but still over 73%.
The new political leadership voted by citizens is now faced with urgent responsibilities.