Pope Francis’ Birthday: the good wishes of Italian bishops (CEI). “That You may feel the gratitude of all of our Church”

Follows the full text of the birthday greetings sent today by the Italian Bishops’ Conference to Pope Francis on the occasion of his birthday

foto SIR/Marco Calvarese

Your Holiness,

on the day of Your birthday the page of the Gospel – with the accounts of the genealogy of Jesus – offers us an occasion to send You our affectionate thoughts.

With Your Magisterium and Your personality you challenge us and inspire the Church to be steeped in history, a Church that is not scandalized by contradictions and delays, an attentive Church that recognizes the signs of the Spirit wherever they occur.

Your Holiness, You help us open our eyes and our hearts to the poor, leading us to become the neighbour through the benevolent, creative compassion of Christian love.

You reinvigorate the liberating vitality of a Word made flesh that asks us to be proclaimed in its adherence to facts.

Most Blessed Father, in this festive day we wish You to feel the gratitude of all of our Church and to experience – as a reflection of Your witness – the immeasurable treasures that the Grace infuses in our present times.

Your constant invitation not to forget to pray for You is the most precious gift that we offer You on behalf of all ecclesial communities in Italy.

Our heartfelt best wishes, Your Holiness


Mons. Stefano Russo

Secretary General

Gualtiero Card. Bassetti
