agenda" "

Community legislation” “

The main points on the agenda of the parliamentary Commissions of the EP meeting in Brussels from Monday 19 to Thursday 22 November were the following: · Presentation of the 20001 annual Report on the problem of drugs in the EU – Presentation of the programme of work for 2001-2003 (Commission for citizens’ liberties and rights, justice and internal affairs); · Citizens of third countries: entry and residence with a view to the performance of activities of dependent employment or self-employment (Commission for liberties, rapporteur: Terron i Cusi); · Economic consequences of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 (Commission for economic and monetary problems, rapporteur: Karas); · Economic and social cohesion – The Report (Commission for regional policy, transport and tourism and Commission for industry, external trade, research and energy, rapporteurs: Musotto and Damiao); · Joint discussion on social protection – Reform of pensions, open method of coordination (Commission for employment and social affairs); · Public health – Programme of Community action 2001-2006 (Commission for the environment, public health and consumer policy, rapporteur: Trakatellis); · Environment: Community programme of action 2001-2010 (Commission for the environment, rapporteur: Myller); · Implementation CULTURA 2000 programme (Commission for culture, youth. instruction, information media and sport, rapporteur: Graça Moura); · Universities and higher teaching in the European space of knowledge (Commission for culture, rapporteur: Gutierrez-Cortines); · Campaign against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria: world fund, contribution of the Community (Commission for development and cooperation); · Trade and development, taking into account the objective of the eradication of poverty (Commission for development and cooperation, rapporteur: Deva).