European Parliament” “

The main points on the agenda of the parliamentary Commissions meeting in Brussels from 5 to 8 November were the following: · Prevention of conflicts: regional integration and cooperation, short-term prevention (Commission for foreign affairs, human rights, joint security and defence policy, rapporteur: Lagendijk); · Framework decision on the fight against terrorism (Commission for internal affairs and Commission for legal affairs and for the internal market, rapporteurs: Watson and Palacio Vallelersund); · Minimum standards for asylum seekers (Commission for internal affairs and Commission for legal affairs, rapporteurs: Hernandez Mollar and Medina Ortega); · Environment and development: production, commercialization and consumption of more ecological products (Commission for environment, public health and consumer policy, rapporteur: Garcia Orcoyen); · The social, juridical, ethical and economic implications of Human Genetics (temporary Commission on human genetics and the new technologies in the sector of modern medicine, rapporteur: Fiori).