European Parliament” “

The main points on the agenda of the parliamentary Commissions of the EP, held in Brussels from Monday 15 to Thursday 18 October, were as follows: · The delimitation of the respective competencies of the European Union and its member States (Constitutional Affairs and Foreign Affairs Commissions, rapporteurs Lamassoure and Newton Dunn); · Fight against terrorism – Framework decision (Commission for citizens’ liberties and rights, justice and internal affairs, rapporteur Watson); · European arrest warrant and extradition procedures between member States – Framework decision (Commission for citizens’ liberties, rapporteur Watson); · Citizens of third countries long resident in the EU: status (Commission for citizens’ liberties, rapporteur Ludford); · Asylum: member State responsible for examining an application presented by a citizen of a third country (Commission for citizens’ liberties, rapporteur Marinho); · Services of general interest in Europe (Commission for economic and monetary problems, rapporteur Langen); · Audiovisuals and information: protection of minors and human dignity (Commissions of culture and juridical affairs and for the internal market, rapporteurs Heaton-Harris and McCarthy); · Public health: community programme of action (2001-2006) (Commission for the environment, public health and consumer policy, rapporteur Trakatellis); · Universities and higher education in the European field of knowledge (Commission for culture, youth, education, means of information and sport, rapporteur Gutierrez-Cortines); · Women and fundamentalism (Commission for the rights of women and equal opportunities, rapporteur Izquierdo Rojo).