Agenda – Presentation of bids” “” “

· ANTI-DRUG CAMPAIGN – Preparatory measures in view of a programme of measures to combat drug trafficking. Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 31/10/2001 (to be able to benefit from the funds of the 2001 budget). For further information, contact: European Commission, Unit for the coordination of the anti-drug campaign, GD Justice and Internal Affairs (LX46 3/10), Rue de la Loi, 200, B-1049 Bruxelles. Fax: 00322.2953205; Consult (GUCE C 224, 9/8/2001); · CULTURE – “Culture 2000”: invitation to present proposals for 2002. Deadline for the presentation of proposals: 15/11/2001 (for annual projects), 30/11/2001 (for plurennial projects). For further information, contact: European Commission, Development of policy in the cultural field – Framework-Programme “Culture 2000”, B-100, bureau 5/21; Rue de la Loi, 200, B-1049 Bruxelles, or consult the site For Italy, contact Antenna Culturale Europea, Dr Massimo Scalari, Istituto universitario di studi europei di Torino, Piazza Castello, 9, I-10123 Torino. Tel: 011.547208 Fax: 011.548252 E-mail:, Internet C 230/5, 15/8/2001). G.A.G.———————————————————————————————————– Bisettimanale assoluto : 101 relativo : 1111 Data pubblicazione : 06/10/01