France – Youngsters online: is born ” “” “

“I’m happy to inaugurate with you the youth portal that the Catholic Church in France is opening on the web. This site is yours and I hope it may be a place of information, sharing and creativity. I hope that your life of faith may receive illumination and support from it”. With this dedication signed by Msgr. Georges Soubrier, bishop of Nantes and president of the “childhood and youth” Committee, the new Internet site – (pronounced “in excelsis”) – has been inaugurated. Placed at the service of the young by the French Church, “the site – the CEF explains in a note – has the ambition of being the basic portal for Catholic youth and a venue for discussion and sharing open to anyone. A site of information and spiritual animation, it has been created by a skilled team of students and young professionals, under the supervision of Father Jean-Paul Larvol”. It covers current affairs and events, arts and entertainment, prayer, reflection on the faith and social issues. It also provides information on the World Youth Day 2002, on forums and upcoming events. These are just some of the contents that can be accessed on the French site. “An initiative – the note of presentation says – at the service of what the faith has to say to the youth of our time, at the heart of a world searching for meaning”. In Italy too, the Church has set up a site dedicated to youth: namely, One of the results of the Jubilee, it is an interactive site in which youngsters can dialogue between each other, confide with a cloistered sister via e-mail, send sms or deface a “virtual wall” with messages.