Ecumenism – Torture: appeal of the Christian Churches” “

An appeal for awareness-raising and prayer against torture was launched by the Council of the Christian Churches in France (CECEF), on the occasion of the “International Day of support for the victims of torture” held on 26 June. In making this appeal it accepted the invitation made by the association “Action of Christians for the abolition of torture” ((ACAT). The appeal is signed by pastor Jean-Arnold de Clerment, president of the Protestant Federation if France, by Card. Louis-Marie Billé, President of the French Bishops’ conference and by the Orthodox Metropolitan of France, Msgr. Jeremie. The document declares that “the ecumenical experience of ACAT, accumulated in its campaign against torture and in prayer for its victims, does not concern only some, but all our churches, and appeals to them to bear witness to justice and to serve reconciliation in the world”. In particular CECEF’s invitation is aimed at mobilizing Christians to provide information on torture. The joint church appeal ends with a prayer: “With all our being, we pay to you God, Our Father, that by your grace the world may be liberated from death and evil”.