caritas europa – Together in the fight against poverty” “” “

Caritas appeals to the EU institutions Some 20% of the citizens of the European Union live on less that 60% of the national average income and 12% of wage-earning workers in the Union are living in conditions of poverty. More than ten million persons depend on social welfare, without which they would not be able to survive. These are some of the data that emerged during the 27th National Meeting of the diocesan Caritas associations held in Acireale (Catania) from 18 to 21 June this year. About the role of the Caritas and the other secular organizations for combating poverty in Europe we spoke with Jean Degimbe , president of the Social Commission of Caritas Europa, an agency with its seat in Brussels. What will be the task of civil society at the European level? “Civil society must assume a far more significant role, because a part of the Treaty of Amsterdam prescribes new spheres of activity for the European Union in combating forms of discrimination, in immigration policies, and in the field of social protection. The Union is now asking member States to develop a national plan of action in the campaign against poverty and exclusion. This objective shall not be achieved if the non governmental organizations, including Caritas, are not involved in the implementation of these national plans”. What suggestions do you have to make on the tasks to be performed? “Contacts between institutions and civil society (associations, NGOs, Caritas, etc.) need to be developed. As far as Caritas is concerned, interaction between the national Caritas and Caritas Europa is necessary to defend, present and correct certain points of view and political positions adopted in Brussels. There is a great debate going on today on social protection, and a committee composed of representatives of the fifteen countries of the Union has been set up. The Caritas associations can intervene in the evolution of social policy, i.e. as regards free circulation, social security, social protection, equal opportunities, conditions of work, health and safety on the workplace, worker information and consultation, employment policies, the struggle against poverty and exclusion. If we don’t intervene, who will do so? As Caritas we have the duty to assume a courageous stance on the various issues. Caritas must play a prophetic role in this sense. All the Caritas associations of Europe have already begun to work together to develop a common point of view on forms of poverty. At the national level all the agencies and associations involved, including Caritas, need to be able to assess the long-term impact of EU measures on their activities. The time has come for civil society to begin to get organized to make its opinions known also in Brussels”. What are Europe’s responsibilities towards the countries of Eastern Europe that are asking to join the Union? “It’s a great responsibility at all levels, especially from the social point of view. There are many problems connected with enlargement. We are in an extremely liberal Europe, so it’s essential that the countries of Eastern Europe understand the problems their entry into the EU would pose. The civil society of the countries of Eastern Europe is less developed due to forty years of dictatorship. Some Caritas agencies there are very strong, for instance the one in Poland. As for the other countries, we must make an effort and try to understand how we can best help them. Above all we need to support the Caritas agencies in the field of formation” Do the European institutions listen to your voice? “As Caritas Europa we are received and given a hearing by the European Commission. But what is needed is a real structure of dialogue, consultation and liaison between the Commission and civil society, in order to conduct an ongoing dialogue on social problems”. In the parish Caritas associations, how can the local dimension be joined with the European dimension? “If we want to have a real dialogue on European issues, it would be useful if Italian Caritas had at the national level one or more staff members assigned the task of following European policies in order to transmit their contents at the parish level”. a cura di PAtrizia Caiffa