A voice out of the crowd

Jasiek, without an arm and a leg, is the “face” of the WYD. Explorer, dancer and… Christian

Mela, victim of a serious accident as a child, never gave up hope. “Life is an ongoing miracle”, he courageously declared. Along with other renowned personalities in Poland he will be a celebrity spokesperson for the World Youth Day in Krakow. He founded “Beyond the horizon” to help mutilated persons

Jasiek Mela

“Life is a miracle. Always. Also when it’s terribly difficult”, said without hesitations Jasiek Mela, 27, who with some other 30 personalities, like Jerzy Dudek (former goalkeeper of Liverpool and Real Madrid soccer teams), actors, musicians, singers and journalists, will be the celebrity spokesperson of the 2016 World Youth Day in Krakow. In the selection of testimonials “was taken into account especially the ability to convey ideas with important content, as those are the ideas that will remain in the hearts of young people after the conclusion of this great celebration”, said Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, Archbishop of Krakow. “The celebrity spokespersons of WYD 2016, thanks to their professional, artistic or sporting achievements, “are also examples of people for whom the Christian faith is the foundation of a life of satisfaction and creativity”, added Ewa Korbut, from the WYD press office.

“We are not religious models.” “In my opinion the strength of our entire group of ambassadors” of the World Youth Day “is our diversity, which will enable many people to identify with one of the testimonials, and think that maybe they too can get closer to the Lord”, said Jasiek Mela pointing out that “nobody is a model of religiosity or holiness because people generally have many flaws and weaknesses, and they are not saints”. At the age of 13 Jasiek was the victim of a serious accident. While seeking shelter from the rain, he inadvertently took cover in an electrical substation that wasn’t appropriately protected, and was hit by a 16thousand-volt electrical shock. In order to save his life the doctors had to amputate his arm and a leg. Today, after a long rehabilitation, Jasiek uses prosthetics. “I have lost a lot in life: I saw my parents’ house go up in smoke”; on another occasion, “my younger brother drowned in front of me. And because of the accident I had two limbs amputated”.

“I lost a lot, but I earned much more, and I consider myself a fortunate person”.

A life like a movie. Mela is a brilliant young man. He has always been. In 2004 he was the youngest explorer to reach the North Pole and the Antarctic. He climbed the Kilimangiaro and then he ran the New York marathon. He completed a long journey to Asia, and last summer, in addition to having participated in the Ironman triathlon, he covered part of the way to Santiago de Compostela. “Without God you cannot find the courage to move ahead through difficult times. It really is essential to rely on faith”, he said. Two years ago Jasiek’s story was retold in a film, which, as its protagonist said, (although he is impersonated by an actor on screen), “speaks about suffering, faith, hope and the challenge of individual weaknesses.” Now he is also television personality, having taken part in last year’s edition of the popular TV show “Dancing with stars” in Poland. “Taking part in a TV show with over 4 million viewers enabled me to convey my message to all those who I previously could not reach out to.”

“Perhaps my story will serve as an encouragement for many disabled persons”, he added. “I’m no psychologist, I don’t know how to face difficult situations, but what I can do is to share my experience with other people.”

Hands extended to those in need. Eight years ago Jasiek set up the Foundation “Beyond the Horizon” with the purpose of collecting funds for mutilated people or victims of accidents. “Helping others is my job. What I consider most important is encouraging others to recover motivation and self-confidence”, he said without concealing his satisfaction. “I have maintained friendly relations with most of the people that we have helped. We try to overcome difficulties together, which creates a very strong bond. Naturally, working in the Foundation we also experience periods of difficulties, but we firmly believe that we must not surrender.”

The words of Urszula’s mother. For the past ten years Jasiek Mela and his mother Urszula have borne witness to their faith during the various meetings of the Neocatechumenal Way. The parents of the boy, as he was conquering the North Pole, have finally recovered their faith after much sadness. After the death of one of their children and long family conflicts, they recovered inner peace. “Our Lord does not sit on a distant throne: He accompanies us throughout all our sufferings”, Urszula Mela told us, adding that she feels “the presence of the Lord not when things are going smoothly but when facing major difficulties.” “God has found us in the darkest moments of our life”, she concluded serenly.