+++ Elections: Card. Parolin (Holy See), “We will continue to educate people to embrace a positive vision of migration” +++

“The Holy See knows that it must work under the given circumstances. We cannot have the society we would like to have, and we cannot have the conditions we would like to have. So I believe that even in this situation, the Holy See will continue its work of education, which takes a lot of time”. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, said this in response to SIR news agency on the margins of the meeting of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in Rome, referring to the outcome of the parliamentary elections in Italy and the victory of anti-immigration parties. “It is important to educate people to move from a negative to a more positive attitude towards migrants”, he remarked. It is a work in progress, even if conditions might be less favourable. On its part, the Holy See will always try to promote its message based on human dignity and solidarity”. Card. Parolin then exhorted Catholic organizations that are at the forefront in the reception and integration of migrants to continue in their “efforts to create a positive vision of migration. For there are so many positive aspects of migration that go unnoticed” due to the “complexity” of the situation. “I suggest that they continue their work on the ground because this is what defines and characterises them”, he pointed out. And also, “they should not be afraid to help people to adopt this new approach”. As for the need to reconcile the security needs of citizens and the needs of those who flee from difficult situations, he observed: “We must admit that it is not easy. But this is a challenge that policymakers must address, that is to say, they must reconcile these two essential needs. Indeed, it is clear that citizens should feel safe and protected, but at the same time we cannot close our doors to those who flee situations of violence and danger”. Therefore, he said, “we must all work together – this is another fundamental aspect. It is a suggestion on how to move forward: we should acknowledge the difficulties, find solutions, and work all together.