Belgium: bishops and Caritas for the reception of refugees Before the increase in the number of asylum-seekers and the migrant-emergency in Europe the bishops of Belgium reiterated the appeal of Caritas Internationalis to property-owners to make their houses available for the reception of migrants. In a statement released by the Belgian Bishops’ Conference the bishops explained the work carried out by Caritas in conjunction with the competent authorities with the installation of emergency housing units designed to accommodate dozens of asylum-seekers. But these lodgings are no longer sufficient to address their needs. Hence the appeal of Caritas: “Many people come to us and want to help”, said François Cornet, director of Caritas Internationalis. “We welcome this spirit of solidarity and we hope it will contribute to the availability of additional reception to address increasing requests. It’s a concrete way to help these people thereby ensuring their rights of reception and protection in Belgium”. For the past 15 years Caritas Internationalis has opted for the reception of refugees in private housing because – Cornet explained – “it favours the autonomy of individuals, it ensures family life and furthers inclusion within the local environment”. Belgian bishops support Caritas’ initiative by inviting – they affirm in the statement – “congregations, parishes and Christian faithful to analyse every possibility to respond to this appeal thereby joining the appeal of Pope Francis, opening their doors to others, to those who seek the protection of a State”. However, the housing units must comply with a set of specific features: the houses and the apartment must be liveable and available for at least six months; they must have bathrooms and a kitchen. Caritas Internationalis will be in charge of the housing arrangements for the entire period of stay, of the rent and the state of the apartment. At present, Caritas can count on social workers in the city of Brussels, in Liège, Seraing, Verviers, Charleroi, Malines, Anvers and Ostende. Bulgaria: happening of youths and Christian music The city of Belozem, in the diocese of Sofia-Plovdiv, is the “stage” of the international Festival of Christian music ongoing until August 29, promoted by the custody of Capuchin friars in Bulgaria. This year the motto of the traditional event that brings together young Catholics nationwide in an atmosphere of leisure is “Between the skies and the earth”. Participants will reflect on the protection of the Creation and the relationship between man and nature, as well as on the sacraments as a means of closeness to God. “We make great choices in life when we are young – the director of the festival, Father Martin Grec, told SIR – and in those moments Christian values are of great help”. He added, “With the festival, held annually for the past 15 years, young Catholics, who are very few in Bulgaria, get to know each other better and meet their peers who live their same faith”. In addition to thematic conferences accompanied by various testimonies, workshops and sport events will bring out the talent of the youths. The evening program features concerts of artists and groups of Christian inspiration from Croatia, Poland and Spain. Religions in Europe: dialogue, peace and migrations in Europe The goodwill message of Pope Francis will open the international meeting “Peace is always possible – Religions and cultures in dialogue”, an initiative of the St. Egidio community, scheduled to take place in Tirana September 6 to 8. Along with the Catholic and Orthodox Churches of Albania will be present the leaders of the major world religions, politicians, intellectuals, testimonies of peace and solidarity initiatives. St. Egidio described it as “a major event in the “spirit of Assisi” – the first international Prayer for Peace summoned by Pope John Paul II in 1986 in St. Francis’ city – which will have special meaning this year, not only because of the current scene of wars and conflicts, but also because of the growth of a new subject represented by the pacifist force of religions opposed to violence, with concrete and viable proposals”. “For years we have been witnessing wars that no one seems to have the strength or will to stop – the promoters explained -. If the international community is unable to impose a mere humanitarian truce it will be necessary to organize a grass-roots mobilization which can give voice to the many people who view emigration as their only way out, at the cost of perilous crossings into Europe”. For three days tens of panel meetings will be held in Tirana “with the most important religious leaders of Europe and the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa”. Information and programme: