
Italian elections: headlines in European and US newspapers. Italy turns to the right and risks becoming ungovernable

Un'immagine pubblicata da The Guardian

The Italian elections is “the main news” in today’s Frankfurter Allgemeine, that early this morning reports the “triumph of the Five Star Movement (M5S)”, stressing that “although anti-Europeans and right-wing parties can rejoice after Italy’s election outcome, they are not likely to govern”; and it was “a cold shower” for Mr Berlusconi, the press reports. On the same tone, Die Zeit shows an online picture of former Prime Minister Berlusconi who bows his head as he exits the voting booth. In the French newspaper Le Monde, with live updates on the results, the headline is “anti-European parties do very well”. The newspaper publishes the photos of the Tweet by Marine Le Pen who congratulates Matteo Salvini for “the spectacular advance and top showing of the League coalition led by our ally and friend Matteo Salvini is a new stage in the awakening of the people”. In Le Figaro, too, the headline is “Early results show no clear majority”. The Spanish newspaper El Pais, with live updates on the elections, points to the risk of an “ungovernable Italy”. Mr Berlusconi, this time pictured with the FEMEN in the background, is still the symbol of the Italian elections 2018 in the Dutch newspaper Volkskrant which speaks of “unpredictable results” and the risk of “political deadlock”. In The Guardian, the headline is “Italy’s voters ditch the centre and ride a populist wave”, while in the New York Times there is a giant photo of Matteo Salvini with the headline “Italy election gives big lift to far right and populists”.