International day

March eighth: EU Commission, “equality is a fundamental value. And there’s still a lot to do”

La Commissione europea

(Brussels) “Gender equality is one of the European Union’s fundamental values that is laid down in our treaties. Our Union is a pioneer in facing gender discrimination, and we can be proud of the progress we have made: Europe is one of the fairest and safest places in the world for women”. The joint declaration for the International Women’s Day 2018, signed for the EU Commission first by Frans Timmermans, deputy president, and by Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, starts in this optimistic tone. “But our job is not done; in practice, the journey to full equality is still a long one”, they admit shortly afterwards. “Women and girls are still victims of harassment, abuse and rape, and they often have lower wages and fewer career and development opportunities in the business world”. “We want girls and women to achieve equality in every dimension of their lives: access to education, equal salaries for equal jobs, access to executive jobs in business and politics, as well as protection from abuse”. “Promoting women’s leadership and economic independence is our top priority. The European Union has submitted new rules to improve the work/life balance for working parents and carers and a policy against the gender pay gap”.