Silvia Guzzetti (from London)

2018 11 Dicembre


Brexit: London slipped into isolation and chaos. Davis, “a dangerous situation, risks of social unrest”

“Our entire system is in a crisis because our PM is stalled both by the EU issue and by an opposition led by Jeremy Corbyn that cannot replace her. We are deadlocked.” The day after Theresa May’s decision to delay the vote in Parliament on the deal with the EU that was supposed to finalize […]

di Silvia Guzzetti (from London)

2018 11 Dicembre


Germany: CDU’s “beneficial” Congress. Merkel – Kramp-Karrenbauer continuity

After 18 years as President of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Angela Merkel handed over her party leadership to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. The day after the Hessian State election, held five weeks ago, when CDU suffered another setback, the German Chancellor announced that at the Party Congress held in Hamburg last weekend (December 7-8) she would […]

di Thomas Jansen

2018 10 Dicembre

Environmental protection

Cop24: ecumenical celebration in Katowice. “Called to bring the world back to its senses”

Catholics and Lutherans spoke in unison upholding environmental protection. An ecumenical message for the care of creation was launched in Katowice. In the Polish city that is hosting the Climate Conference COP24, Anders Wejryd, European President of the World Council of Churches (WCC), former primate of the Lutheran Church of Sweden, declared: “the Creation has […]

di Anna T.Kowalewska

2018 10 Dicembre


70TH anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Msgr. Auza (nuncio to the UN): “The challenges of universality, objectivity and unity”

“Human rights in general, and the Universal Declaration in particular, were not meant to be used as weapons to advance political, economic, military or cultural agendas contrary to the fundamental human rights.” It is the belief that guided the Mission of the Holy See at the UN in New York in the debate that inaugurated […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2018 07 Dicembre


The Netherlands: religions pushed into a corner. Kregting (sociologist), “declining numbers of believers, social cohesion at risk”

Growing numbers of Dutch people don’t believe in God or are less religiously affiliated. These are the findings of a survey published by the National Statistics Bureau (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek). 51% of Dutch people aged 15 and over declared to have no religious affiliation (49% in 2016 and 46% in 2012). 24% of […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 05 Dicembre


Great Britain, nuns and priests against slavery. Safe shelters to victims of human trafficking

An extraordinary contribution to the fight on slavery, understood as the violent deprivation of freedom, forcing people into prostitution or black labour or other forms of exploitation, a scourge that is largely and sadly ignored or underestimated. Since 2007 sixteen religious Congregations in England and Wales have donated 29 properties, with an overall “book” value […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2018 30 Novembre


Catholics and the betrayal of a pro-European Italy

Our future in Europe risks being compromised by a set of wrong assumptions made by the Government, which not only isolate us from the rest of Europe but also isolate Italy from its own historical past. Italy did not become one of the founding countries of the European Union by chance. The European project brought […]

di Giuseppe Tognon

2018 30 Novembre


Egypt: a small Church in an ocean of charity. CEI ‘s healthcare, education, and women empowerment programs

Egypt: an outburst of life amidst huge poverty stretches. Burdened by an extremely weak currency, lagging tourism – especially after the Islamist terror attacks against the Copt Orthodox communities over the past year – grappling with a set of rigorous economic reforms that had devastating consequences on people’s lives. In this Country where over 85% […]

di Maria Chiara Biagioni and Daniele Rocchi

2018 29 Novembre


Locked-down Buenos Aires for the G20 summit. Tensions over the economic crisis and widespread poverty

The city’s centre is set to be on lockdown and practically inaccessible.  In suburban districts, the so-called “villas miserias”, long lines of people are seen outside parishes to receive aids and foodstuffs. These are the two snapshots of Buenos Aires that will soon host the G20 – November 30th and December 1st. The leaders of […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 26 Novembre


Faith communities mobilize in support of migrants on US-Mexico border: “There are no gang members or terrorists in the migrants caravan”

(from New York) Initiatives and expressions of solidarity towards migrants, especially in US-Mexico border zones, where the major detention centres are located and where US communities are preparing to receive the new caravan of refugees from Central America, are rapidly growing. In the meantime, past Thursday a group of 200 Jews, Muslims and Christians undertook […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from New York