Sarah Numico

2018 26 Ottobre

Voci dall'Europa

Gli ultimi giorni del Sinodo. Mons. De Jong (Roermond): “In Olanda dobbiamo essere là dove sono i giovani per parlare di Gesù”

Siamo alle battute finali. Dopo tre settimane di parole, confronti, discussioni, ascolto, preghiera, i vescovi che hanno partecipato al Sinodo sui giovani voteranno domani il documento conclusivo che verrà poi consegnato al Papa perché lo usi per redigere la sua “esortazione apostolica post-sinodale” e dare così indicazioni vincolanti per quello che è il futuro della […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 26 Ottobre


“Dottori in corsia”: una docu-serie in dieci puntate racconta l’Ospedale pediatrico Bambino Gesù

Sgrana gli occhi, quasi incredula, quando il cardiochirurgo Antonio Amodeo entra in stanza a tarda sera per dirle che finalmente “il cuore sta arrivando”. Giulia abbraccia il medico, i genitori, chiama al telefono la sorella, fa festa con gli infermieri. Dopo tanta attesa, tutto è pronto per il trapianto. L’intervento è lungo come interminabili sembrano […]

di Stefania Careddu

2018 26 Ottobre


Is the night falling on Europe? The Churches must seize the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel

​From the perspective of today’s Italy, the European Union is an enemy. Recent surveys have shown that Italian citizens’ supporting united Europe have fallen below 50%, while thirty years ago 80% were in favour, and Italy was one of the most Europeanist Countries in the Continent. Support for the euro-currency remains unchanged, perhaps owing to […]

di Giuseppe Tognon

2018 25 Ottobre

Migrant reception

Caravan of migrants from Honduras heading for Mexico. The bishops: “The Government has turned its back”

“The reception of the Honduran migrants caravan is entirely in the hands of the Church. And it’s mostly poor people who are helping other poor people”, said Msgr. Guillermo Ortiz Mondragón, bishop of Cuautitlán, responsible of the Mexican Bishops’ Commission on Human Mobility in the framework of Social Pastoral Care. “We are alone. The government […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 24 Ottobre


Migrants in Bosnia-Herzegovina: winter is coming and many risk sleeping outdoors

“Zima ide” means “Winter is coming” in Bosnian. This expression recurred over the past days with regard to refugees arriving in Bosnia-Herzegovina. With the former Balkan route closed, large numbers of refugees are arriving via Sarajevo. The numbers vary because law enforcement agencies failed to register all new arrivals, but it is estimated that over […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 24 Ottobre


The Synod on Young People tackles the problems of the Church in Russia

“It’s extremely interesting. I deeply appreciate it, although it requires a lot of effort since we take part in plenary assemblies to discuss the Working Document and in workshops. They are both very interesting and as auditors we take part in the debates and our opinions are very important for the bishops. But there are […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 23 Ottobre

Political analysis

Germany: popular parties in crisis, but German democracy remains solid

The Bavarian elections of October 14th have disrupted Germany’s political realm. The Christian-Social Union (CSU), which has ruled over the state of Bavaria uninterrupted for 70 years, dropped to its lowest share of the vote (37.5%) since 1950 and lost the absolute majority in the State. Its historical opponent, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), suffered […]

di Thomas Jansen

2018 22 Ottobre

Migrant people

Zero-Tolerance on the US-Mexico border: the Report of the Catholic and Lutheran Churches on divided and reunited families

(from New York) Cristina is twelve-years-old. She fled with her father to escape the violence in their hometown in El Salvador. They were separated at the US border. Cristina had to wait 88 days before seeing her father again, requested to sign expulsion papers by immigration agencies on several occasions. He was repeatedly told that […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2018 22 Ottobre


A Mass for the chickens is a Mass for life

As soon as the weekday Mass was over Sister Virgina, personal assistant at the parish of the Cathedral, as there is no priest can be appointed to the parish (there are a total of 6 priests for 14 parishes), handed me a sheet of paper with an intention for Mass: nje mesh per pulat, a […]

di Gjergj Meta – bishop of Rrëshen (Albania)

2018 18 Ottobre


Synod 2018. Mons. Oster (German bishops): “Take a step forward in the major issues that involve young people”

The Synod on young people has started working on the third part of the Instrumentum laboris, dedicated to “ecclesial and pastoral practices.” “I am very interested to know what will happen next”, Msgr. Stefan Oster, 53, bishop of Passau since 2014, a Salesian, in charge of the pastoral care of young people for the German […]

di Sarah Numico