Sarah Numico

2018 17 Ottobre


Synod 2018. Mons. Tencer (Scandinavian Countries): “Young people have changed the atmosphere in the Synod Hall”

“It’s my first Synod and since the beginning everything came as a surprise to me. I though it would have been more tiring to stay here for such a long time, sitting and listening for eight hours a day, but what we hear is so powerful that it is worth the while.” Msgr. David Tencer speaks about […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 16 Ottobre


Renouncing the definition of European identity makes European voters feel at a loss

It appears that we finally have an  Economic and Financial Document (DEF), – a formal document up for Parliament vote, due to be followed by a Budget Law. Thus there still is time for a complex negotiation, in Italy and with European institutions, and for concrete measures. Indeed, today more than ever before, at a […]

di Francesco Bonini

2018 15 Ottobre


Saint Paul VI: the Pope who spoke of joy and lived it out

Sanctos esse decernimus ac definimus… the traditional canonization formula was pronounced yesterday by Francis on the parvis of the Vatican Basilica. As I listened to those verbs expressed in the plural form, along with other bishops and priests and the multitude of faithful present, I recognized the voice of the Church in the voice of […]

di Marcello Semeraro (*)

2018 11 Ottobre


Colombian bishops in Brussels to discuss peace talks with European Parliament representatives

Support to and cooperation with Europe, with EU and national political bodies and with the Church, equally crucial for the development of long-awaited peace in Colombia following the 2016 agreement signed between the Government and FARC in Colombia after 53 years of armed conflict. A delegation from the Colombian Bishops’ Conference (CEC), in Brussels yesterday […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 10 Ottobre


Referendum on the family in Romania: the reasons for failure

The outcome of the referendum organized in Romania in the past few days took many by surprise: those who were confident about the positive outcome of the initiative sadly discovered its failure, and those who attempted a boycott realized that hadn’t met the required quorum. In fact, only 21.10% (3.857.308) of Romanian citizens cast their […]

di Cristina Grigore (from Bucharest)

2018 05 Ottobre

Ahead of the vote

Elections in an increasingly divided Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Bishops: “equal rights to the three peoples.”

Four Presidents, two vice-Presidents, five parliamentary assemblies and ten Cantonal Assemblies. There are only 3.275 million citizens entitled to vote on Sunday October 7 in Bosnia-Herzegovina, but owing to the complex electoral system they are called to elect the national parliament, the three-member Presidency, the parliament of both sides – one Serb elected from Republika […]

di Iva Mihailova

2018 02 Ottobre

Western balkans

Macedonia: failure of the referendum that deepened divisions. Early elections ahead

The long-awaited referendum in Macedonia of Sunday, September 30 on the deal with Greece and the renaming of the Country (North Macedonia) failed to secure a 50% turnout – only 36% of voters cast their ballots. However, a prevailing majority of voters said “Yes” to the Prespa deal reached amidst countless difficulties after 27 years […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 01 Ottobre


“Pope Francis. A man of his word” by Wim Wenders. Behind-the-scenes remarks of Msgr. Dario E. Viganò: “An intense, embracing story”

Many have asked me why I thought of Wenders as the director of this documentary “with” and “on” Pope Francis. I could have answered by referring to his long filmography or his many awards, but the answer is simply linked to his “angels.” I saw Wenders’ movies – his visual poetry – as a young […]

di Dario Edoardo Viganò

2018 25 Settembre


The Pope in the Lutheran church of Estonia. The Archbishop Urmas Viilma: “One day we will all come together in communion as a single Church”

“The meeting went very well. The church was full of young people, they were all very happy to welcome the Pope. There weren’t only Catholics, also youths from other Churches and maybe also young non-believers were present”, the Lutheran Archbishop of Tallin Urmas Viilma, shared his impressions with SIR a few minutes after the end […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 24 Settembre

Slovakia: “Yes to life”, 20 years on the side of the family. Where is the political establishment?”

Support to human dignity in every stage of life, protection of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. In addition, the commitment to give concrete help to women in need and to their children with temporary housing facilities, professional advice, creation of job opportunities, material help… The list of activities and projects […]

di Danka Jaceckowa, from Bratislava