Danka Jaceckowa, from Bratislava

2018 31 Agosto


Anna Kolesarova, the first lay Blessed in Slovakia. Faith and courage, a model for young people in the Country

“Hostia sanctae castitatis”: a sacrifice of holy chastity. These words were written in the parish register of Vysoka nad Uhom, Slovakia, by the local priest, after the violent death of young Anna Kolesarova, killed by a drunken Soviet soldier during the Second World War for defending her chastity from a ferocious attempt of sexual violence. […]

di Danka Jaceckowa, from Bratislava

2018 11 Agosto


Cristiani e musulmani insieme: l’esempio del Senegal. Mons. Ndiaye (Dakar): “Accettazione e collaborazione”

Se si pensa al Senegal si è portati a parlare solo di emigrazione, mentre molto meno ci si interessa al fatto che in un territorio dove risiedono oltre 16 milioni di persone (con un tasso di crescita di circa 500mila abitanti ogni anno), convivano pacificamente musulmani, che rappresentano circa il 95% della popolazione, e cristiani […]

di Marco Calvarese

2018 10 Agosto

Bergoglio in the Baltic Nations/3

Pope Francis in Estonia. Marge-Marie Paas: “There is a special, unprecedented climate of spiritual expectation”

Estonia will be the last destination of Pope Francis’ visit to the Baltic States. The Country numbers 5.5 thousand Catholics on a population of 1.3 million, with a dozen parishes nationwide, a few chapels, only a priest of Estonian origins, now over 90 years old. The remaining priests came from abroad. Marge-Marie Paas, in charge […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 08 Agosto

Eucharistic Congress

The Most Blessed Sacrament in procession in England after 110 years. “Adoremus” in Liverpool

It took one hundred ten years for the Catholics of England and Wales to take the Blessed Sacrament in procession during a Eucharist Congress. In 1908 the government of liberal Prime Minister Herbert Asquith cancelled it for fear of disorders, after extremist Protestant groups denounced it as a violation of anti-Catholic legislation. King Edward VII […]

di Silvia Guzzetti

2018 02 Agosto


Il cuore italiano in Senegal a favore dei bambini, in cerca dell’acqua e contro l’emigrazione

Le armonie della musica senegalese dello “Mbalax”, sdoganato nel panorama musicale mondiale con la canzone “7 Seconds” realizzata da Youssou N’Dour e Neneh Cherry, sembra quasi quel ritmo tribale che trasformava i battiti di un tamburo in un messaggio di richiamo per le tribù lontane. Un grido attraverso le percussioni sul “sabar” che è arrivato […]

di Marco Calvarese

2018 26 Luglio

Verso il Sinodo

Per mille strade/Abruzzo e Molise. Camminare con la speranza di tornare a casa certi di non essere soli nella loro esperienza di fede

Come per le altre regioni d’Italia, anche i giovani di Abruzzo e Molise hanno pronti zaino e tutto l’occorrente per imboccare il cammino di “Per mille strade” che li accompagnerà 11 e 12 agosto 2018 a Roma ad incontrare Papa Francesco. Un territorio abbastanza vasto e variegato che rende difficile dare dei numeri precisi dei […]

di Marco Calvarese

2018 26 Luglio


Nikopol, a cradle of Catholicism in Bulgaria. Music, youths and culture to mark the 370th anniversary of the diocese

The rocks of Belogradcik, that form a magnificent monument shaped by nature, are the background of the stage where Verdi’s Requiem is being performed. We’re in the north-west region of Bulgaria, an area that media reports often describe as the “poorest region in the EU.” But these lands have seen the birth of contemporary Catholicism […]

di Iva Mihailova, from Sofia

2018 26 Luglio


An ex-convict made priest: the story of Gabirel Everardo Zul Mejía in the Mexican prison of Apodaca

Once a pandillero, i.e. affiliate of a crime ring, now a Minister of God, an ex-convict turned priest. It’s the peculiar story of thirty-five year-old Gabirel Everardo Zul Mejía from Mexico. On Friday evening he will be ordained by his archbishop, Mons. Rogelio Cabrera López, in Monterrey. He asked that this solemn occasion be lived out […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 25 Luglio


Humanae Vitae, 50 years later. We are still confronted with the nodal point

“In love there is infinitely more than love. We would say that in human love there is divine love. And that is why the link between love and fecundity is deep, hidden and substantial. All authentic love between a man and a woman, when it is not egoistic love, tends toward creation of another being, […]

di Marcello Semeraro (*)

2018 25 Luglio


Russia: 200 young Catholics on the shores of the Baikal Lake. Friendship, faith, and gazes extended to the Synod

They spent four days together on the shores of Lake Baikal, surrounded by a luxuriant landscape. They gathered in prayer, they engaged in dialogue, they celebrated their faith, their retraced the memories of their burdensome past, together with four bishops who acted as their guides, and 17 priests and nuns from various congregations. The Eighth […]

di Sarah Numico