Adriano Fabris

2018 24 Luglio


Fake news? We must restore the yearning for truth

Fake news has become a widely-debated issue. The Internet and its power to disseminate information and news, without leaving time for their verification, is given major responsibility for it. On top of that, it is widely believed that a specific verification is not necessary. “Facts” and “the like”, real news and plausible information, which are […]

di Adriano Fabris

2018 20 Luglio


Senegal, swimming against the tide along the migration route. Why are so many young people leaving their homeland?

In the film “Dead poets society”, Robin Williams climbed on the classroom’s desk and told his students, confined in the stereotypes of classical teaching, that to better understand things we need to look at them from different angles, “Come and see for yourself. Be brave! Just when you think you know something you have to […]

di Marco Calvarese

2018 20 Luglio


Senegal, viaggio controcorrente sulla rotta delle migrazioni. Perché tanti giovani lasciano la loro terra?

Nel film “L’attimo fuggente”, Robin Williams saliva sulla cattedra e diceva ai suoi alunni, atrofizzati negli stereotipi dell’insegnamento classico, che per capire meglio le cose c’è bisogno di guardarle da angolazioni diverse, “Venite a vedere voi stessi. Coraggio! È proprio quando credete di sapere qualcosa che dovete guardarla da un’altra prospettiva”. Era il 1989 e […]

di Marco Calvarese

2018 19 Luglio


Nicaragua, paramilitary groups regain control of Masaya. Fr Gutiérrez: “Violent repression, but the Church stands with the people”

The day that followed the attack of the paramilitary groups was perhaps the saddest day in the history of Masaya, a joyful city by nature, one of the most beautiful in Nicaragua, the cradle of folklore and handmade local products against the backdrop of a fairytale countryside, between the lake and the volcano. It’s perhaps […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 18 Luglio


The eyes of Josephine: a tattoo on our soul

Summer, time for holidays, for relax, for SPAs… for a well-deserved rest to those who work and need a break to recover their strength and rediscover themselves. How can we rediscover ourselves when our inner self has been disfigured? Mislaid, one hopes, and not lost. Name it as you wish: self-centredness, selfhood, tangible reality remains […]

di Cristiana Dobner

2018 16 Luglio

Bergoglio in the Baltic States/1

Lithuania looks forward to Francis’ arrival. Fr Sotnicenka, “we need to hope and to extend our gaze to the future”

Lithuania is the first destination of Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to the Baltic States. Twenty-five years after John Paul II a Pope will return to visit these lands. It was September 1994, and it will be September also for Francis. John Paul II’s remained from September 4 to 10, Francis will be in this stretch […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 13 Luglio

World Cup

Russia 2018. Fr Zinic (coach Croatia’s national priest team): “A beautiful occasion to reunite the Country”

In these days Croatia is “burning”, the fire is in the hearts of the inhabitants of the Balkan country after the white-red team made it to the World Cup final for the first time ever. Fr Kresimir Zinic, coach of the national priests team of Croatia, said: “The generation of Luka Modric and of other […]

di Iva Mihailova

2018 12 Luglio


Solidarity summer in Loughborough: Saint Mary parish church takes action to feed the children

In need of food for the whole summer while their wealthier peers enjoy activities in sport centres or go to the park with their mothers. They survive only thanks to a piece of bread which their parents themselves forgo for their children, although they are hungrier than them. The so-called “pupil premium children” are entitled […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from Loughborough (United Kingdom)

2018 11 Luglio

For reflection

Pro-Voked by the Gospel. As Jesus in history…

Indeed, the present times also bear positive, hopeful signs. But there are some aspects that enter into our lives and challenge us. How are we living our daily life in the presence of God, as we stand before Him? What elements favour our Christian way of life in a world where all dykes seem to […]

di Diana Papa

2018 10 Luglio


The European Union has always been a community based on solidarity

On 1 July 2018, Austria took over the six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Many people currently feel threatened by global developments and upheavals: one such example is climate change, which can no longer be denied, structural changes in the labour markets, growing social inequality, and ageing populations throughout Europe. Many fear […]

di Christoph Schönborn (*)