Sarah Numico

2019 02 Dicembre


Orthodox Church: 200 new parish complexes in Moscow. A project in motion

Forty-eight churches have been built, 29 are under construction and 14 more are already in the pipeline: the program for the construction of 200 new churches in Moscow continues. Due to his concern that “our Capital is last among all the regions of Russia in the relationship between churches and the Orthodox population”, Orthodox Patriarch […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 29 Novembre


Black Friday: what it is and the changes in a US-imported trend

(from New York) For weeks now, emails featuring “fantastic deals” and advertising banners with “exceptional” sales have been praising the unmissable Black Friday special offers, featuring ultra-flat, limited edition roll-up TV sets, glamorous designer’s coats and shoes at unparalleled prices, along with state-of-the-art Christmas gifts for your children and friends. Black Friday, the Friday of […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from New York

2019 20 Novembre


A Lecce i 100 anni di padre Vincenzo Tirabovi che racconta il segreto della sua longevità

Nello stesso anno in cui il Giappone adottava il calendario gregoriano e negli Stati Uniti d’America iniziava l’era del proibizionismo, in Italia don Luigi Sturzo fondava il Partito Popolare Italiano e nascevano personalità come il politico Giulio Andreotti, il calciatore Valentino Mazzola, la cantante Nilla Pizzi, il ciclista Fausto Coppi e lo scrittore Primo Levi, […]

di Marco Calvarese

2019 20 Novembre


Children’s Day: the great world religions and the rights of the child

“The diverse communities of the world’s faith traditions have played an often undocumented yet significant role in the preparation, adoption, ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child over the past three decades and continuing today.” “Faith and Children’s Rights: A Multi-religious Study on the Convention Rights of the Child” highlights […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 14 Novembre


Immigration at the heart of US bishops meeting: “The Church makes no distinction between borders”

The immigration emergency on the border with Mexico and the news of uncertainties on the legal status of 700,000 ‘dreamers’ broke into the discussion of the USCCB Fall General Assembly. Yesterday the Supreme Court opened a debate on three cases that question the legitimacy of the decisions of some courts acting on the executive order […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from Baltimora

2019 13 Novembre


Churches of France, attacks and profanations. Schlegel (Esprit): “It’s a deep wound, but it’s not Catholicphobia”

Tomorrow, Thursday November 14, a Mass of Reparation will be celebrated in the church of Saint-Etienne de Tonnay-Charente. It’s the latest church desecrated in France on the evening of Saturday, November 9. The tabernacle was destroyed, the Hosts scattered to the ground, the monstrance containing the Eucharistic host was stolen and the Holy Cross was […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 13 Novembre


The -often denied- rights the child 30 years after the UN Convention

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted 30 years ago (20 November 1989). This landmark document in 54 articles, plus three optional protocols, recognises the civil, social, political, cultural and economic rights of all children in the world. It is the world’s most endorsed international document, as it is ratified […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 07 Novembre


United Kingdom’s snap election: more likely to be a referendum on Brexit

A deeply divided country, yet determined not to miss the opportunity to vote in the upcoming general election on 12 December. In fact, the Brexit issue has led to the involvement of British citizens in politics as perhaps never before. Until now, UK politics proceeded with no apparent logic: the issue of the withdrawal from […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2019 05 Novembre


Crisis in Chile. Bishops: “The economic model of the Country must be reconsidered”

The tension remains high in Chile, where even after the end of the state of emergency, peaceful demonstrations, as well as acts of violence, continued even during the festive weekend. In Santiago, a new demonstration, preceded by a thousand women dressed in mourning, took place on Friday. There were reports of arbitrary arrests and repression, […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 04 Novembre


People take to the streets, protests worldwide. Is another form of globalization taking shape?

The “gilets jaunes” in France; followed by Algeria, Chile, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Bolivia, Catalonia, Romania, United Kingdom… People take to the streets around the world  against governments, against political powers, with protests worldwide. The global world is not just the world of trade, finance or tourism. Contestation goes global. Our globalized era is also one […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand