Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 14 Giugno


Macedonia, the longstanding name dispute has (probably) been overcome. Skopje and Athens are closer now

Republic of North Macedonia will be the new name of Macedonia accepted by Greece, the age-old enemy, provided that the agreement reached by Greek Premier Alexis Tsipras and his Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev is approved by the respective Countries. European Council President Donald Tusk, tweeted: “Thanks to you the impossible is becoming possible.” He issued […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 14 Giugno

Ad limina visit

Bishops of Scandinavian Countries to the Pope. Mons. Kozon (Copenaghen): “decreased religious presence in the public arena”

From June 6 to 12 Scandinavian bishops were engaged in the ad limina visit that takes place every five years, for a dialogue with all the dicasteries, “especially with the Holy Father”,  Mons. Czeslaw Kozon, bishop of Copenhagen, President of the Scandinavian Bishops’ Conference, told SIR, highlighting the differences in the recent meeting with the Pope compared […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 11 Giugno


World Meeting of Families. The Church of Ireland preparing to welcome 30 thousand people and Pope Francis

The IX World Meeting of Families introduced by a Pastoral Congress in Dublin on August 21 already registers record-breaking numbers for an event of this kind, with almost 30 thousand registered participants. Among them, figure approximately 6 thousand under-18 youths and 11thousand people arriving to Ireland from 103 world Countries. More than 25 percent of […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 11 Giugno


The Church in Poland. Fr Rytel-Andrianik (bishops’ spokesperson): “Ours is the largest charity in the Country”

“Today’s ideals, behaviours and cultural canons seem to want to deny whatever was considered to be the norm until fifty years ago; following a revolutionary transformation, culture has now become an ideological tool”, said the President of Polish Bishops Stanislaw Gadecki, pointing out that “today, efforts are being placed in the dismantlement of traditional structures.” […]

di Anna Kowalewska

2018 08 Giugno


Bosnia-Herzegovina, the new migrant route: hunger, solidarity and landmines

In the first months of 2016 the EU-Turkey agreement shut off the “Balkan migration route” that had brought some 764 thousand refugees to West-European countries. Since then there has been a significant reduction in the number of arrivals. But migrants did not vanish into thin air: walls, barbed wire and hostility have only made their […]

di Iva Mihailova

2018 04 Giugno


School shootings in the United States. The stories of the survivors

(from New York) Surviving the death of a daughter, of a colleague, of tens of parishioners victims of mass shooting, such as those that continue lashing the United States, requires time, coupled by unanswered questions and endless debates. For some people it requires faith, for others social engagement. To continue to live after having seen 20 […]

di Maddalena Maltese

2018 01 Giugno

The 22nd edition of the Day

Lednica, one hundred thousand youths come together “to say Yes to the Lord”

On Saturday June 2 thousands of Polish youths along with their peers from Italy, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Brazil, and from many more Countries will convene in the large esplanade in the area of Lednica, not far from the city of Poznan. Together, they will say “Yes” to the Lord. The slogan of the meeting and […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2018 30 Maggio

The day after

Portugal, no to euthanasia. The bishops: “It’s the victory of democracy and of life. Now we need to create a palliative society”

For those who animated the campaign against the four bills legalizing euthanasia in Portugal it’s a day of celebration and joy, while those in favour are trying to understand the reasons for a parliamentary vote that only by a whisker failed to see the Country legalize practices already enforced in Belgium, Holland or Switzerland. An […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 28 Maggio


A tragic, grotesque crisis

After a standstill that lasted more than eighty days, the Trinity Sunday of Italy’s crisis rapidly accelerated its pace depicting an equally tragic and grotesque scenario. As largely anticipated, the attempt to form a Five-Star –League government, to the helm of which was appointed a brilliant university Professor lacking all forms of political experience, collapsed on […]

di Francesco Bonini

2018 16 Maggio

Ahead of the summit

EU and the Balkans. Summit in Sofia. Commitments and promises, but no talk of new accessions (for now)

The European perspective of the Western Balkans is reconfirmed, along with new ways to enhance mutual cooperation. Effective adhesion will only take place when the Balkan countries “comply” with Brussels’ demands. This spirit will characterise the meeting between the heads of Government and State of EU 28 Member Countries with their counterparts from 6 Western […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)