Cristiana Dobner

2018 15 Maggio

The Cloister

The instruction “Cor Orans” is a path that every community is called to undertake together

Many questions anticipated Cor Orans, the implementing instruction of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere on women’s contemplative life of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Questions that stem from the thriving desire of sentire cum Ecclesia today, in our present life, not in the past, which, under many aspects, […]

di Cristiana Dobner

2018 15 Maggio


Cannes pays homage “Bicycle thieves” upon the film’s 70th anniversary. “An authentic catechesis of humanity”, said Pope Francis

After Wim Wenders’ “Pope Francis. A Man of his Word”, presented at the 71st Cannes Film Festival, the restored version of Bicycle Thieves, the film directed by Vittorio De Sica and written by Cesare Zavattini, was presented in the category Cannes Classics. First screened 70 years ago, in the fall of 1948, Bicycle Thieves, along […]

di Dario Edoardo Viganò

2018 14 Maggio

The Days in Münster

Germany: Catholics must not stay on the sidelines. “We accept the challenges of the present times”

The 101st Katholikentag was a success: it’s the synthesis of the event held a few days ago in Münster, under the theme, “Seek peace.” After the modest outcome of the 2016 meeting in Leipzig, with few participants and limited media coverage, the figures of this year’s event are starkly different: over 75 thousand participants, the […]

di Massimo Lavena

2018 14 Maggio

World Day

Social Communications: recovering the evocative power of words

The truth sets us free. Countering false information. Journalism of peace. The ingredients of World Communications Day. Yesterday. What about today? How can we be free and true? How can we identify, defend ourselves, counter and prevent falsehood? How can we write and transmit stories of peace? That’s always the most difficult part: how. Seeking […]

di Maria Antonia Chinello

2018 12 Maggio

World Day

Social Communications: individual and collective responsibility in combating fake news

The Pope’s Message for the 52nd  World Communications Day raises public awareness on a rapidly spreading phenomenon, object of an intense, diversified debate: the alteration of the truth and its dramatic repercussions on social relations. The premise of the Message, in fidelity to Christian rationale, is that communication is an essential dimension both on the […]

di Paolo Peverini

2018 10 Maggio


Trump, Iran, the nuclear deal and North Korea. Bartoli (Seton Hall University): “A contradictory peace lies in store for us”

(New York) “Verification” is the term that Andrea Bartoli, dean of the Diplomatic and International Relations School of Seton Hall University in New Jersey, a diplomat and expert in conflict resolution, repeats several times in his analysis of the US withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, also when referring to the breakthrough in the relations […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from New York

2018 10 Maggio

European University Institute

“The State of the Union”: Europe discusses solidarity in Florence

Solidarity is the lens through which European current affairs will be viewed for two days – May 10-11- in Fiesole and Florence, on the occasion of the eighth “State of the Union Conference”, the annual meeting promoted by the European University Institute (EUI) for a reflection on Europe. The event has grown in importance and […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 08 Maggio


President Matterella’s heartfelt, realistic words

With his serene and composed manners, simple and straightforward, the President of the Republic made it clear. Over two months have passed, and a new government needs to be formed. With parliament indications: vote of confidence, no confidence, or no lack of no confidence vote. Words belonging to a distant past, which Moro had been […]

di Francesco Bonini

2018 04 Maggio


“Catholic rating”, a guide for investment

Not all rating systems are the same, and each can reflect a given assessment system based on a set of priorities or vintage points. Strictly financial ratings systems have prevailed so far, but there are also ethical indicators, which include the groundbreaking Catholic rating system launched by the Quadragesimo Anno Foundation at the Lateran Pontifical […]

di Paolo Zucca

2018 03 Maggio


Caritas Poland, hands extended to Syria. Fr Izycki illustrates the project “From family to family”

The Caritas Poland bus that arrived on the morning of Wednesday, May 2, in the Vatican courtyard to receive the special blessing of Pope Francis marks the beginning of an adventure upon the 100th anniversary of the independence of Poland. The bus will travel across over one hundred Polish villages and cities, and will end […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska