Sarah Numico

2018 12 Marzo

German Church

On the death of Cardinal Karl Lehmann. Marx (German bishops): “He shaped the Catholic Church worldwide”

“I received the news of the death of our esteemed brother and friend, Cardinal Karl Lehmann with deep sadness and sorrow. God, Lord of life and death, has called this faithful servant to himself. He died in profound faith in the God of Grace. A great theologian, bishop and lover of humanity has left us. […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 08 Marzo


Women’s day: living out difference in harmony and synergy

Women’s history emerges in our social environment slowly and with great foresight, and it demands to be acknowledged. Women historians, experts in this field, have developed a specific method of research and of scientific enquiry, also in the light of having bravely trodden into a domain that our Latin fathers (provided that we still cherish […]

di Cristiana Dobner

2018 03 Marzo


Ecclesia in Europe: one voice, inspired by the Gospel, for a united continent

Shortly after my episcopal ordination in 1996 I was in Brussels to familiarise myself with the work of COMECE. Another special milestone for me was in April 2004, when I took part in the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela organised by COMECE on the occasion of the enlargement of the European Union by ten central […]

di Reinhard Marx (*)

2018 01 Marzo

Latin America

Synod for the Pan-Amazon region. Card. Hummes (REPAM): “The dream is to further the birth and the development of an indigenous Church”

Slightly more than a month has passed since the historic meeting of Pope Francis with Amazonian peoples in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. There are still twenty months to go to the celebration of the Synod for the Pan-Amazon region. But the process leading to this new ecclesial event has already begun, precisely during the days of […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 28 Febbraio


Bulgaria, the Country is growing. But poverty underlies economic development

Bulgaria, at the helm of the EU Council of Ministers for this year’s first semester, under many aspects appears to be lagging ten years behind EU East-European member countries. Thanks to the European Union a lot has changed in Sofia since adhesion in 2007: economic growth remains strong but many reforms are yet to be […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 27 Febbraio

Brixton road

Amelia and Daniele, from Italy to London to “teach” reception of immigrants

A story of love and work rooted in Europe and in the Pontificate of Pope Francis that risks being terminated by Brexit. Amelia Fiorillo, from the Italian city of Vibo Valentia, philosophy graduate, has just returned from her office after having nursed Samuele, born past November. He is taken care of by a Romanian babysitter […]

di Silvia Guzzetti (from London)

2018 23 Febbraio


Florida school shooting. The young people’s protests and the Church’s mobilization against weapons

Seven days have gone by since the death of Carmen, Meadow, Peter, Nicholas, Christopher, Aaron, Luke, Alaina, Jamie, Martin, Alyssa, Helena, Scott, Joaquin, Cara, Gina e Alexander. The names of the students and teachers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida, killed by former student and classmate Nickolas Cruz, are recited daily on […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from New York

2018 19 Febbraio

Humanitarian crisis

Venezuelans on line to cross the border into Colombia. The bishop of Cúcuta: “They’re hungry, diseased, exhausted and undernourished”

An ongoing exodus which the two bridges linking Venezuela to Cúcuta, the first city in Colombian territory, strive to contain. “Increasing numbers of Venezuelans – the bishop of Cúcuta, Msgr. Víctor Manuel Ochoa Cadavid said with concern – are crossing by foot the bridges dedicated to Simón Bolívar and General Santander. Among them, ever more […]

di Bruno Desidera

2018 15 Febbraio

United States

Florida, Parkland high-school massacre. The archbishop of Miami: “An act of senseless violence and horrifying evil”

(from New York) A nightmare; utter, horrifying evil. There are no words to describe the horrors experienced by over 3 thousand students who witnessed the killing of 17 schoolmates and rescued 15 left wounded in the latest mass shooting that targeted Parkland high-school in Florida They all fell under the merciless gunfire of a semiautomatic […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2018 14 Febbraio


Lent 2018: let yourselves be embraced and transformed

Lent: the time of our journey towards salvation, following the sapient guidance of the Word of God. The passages read on Sundays leading up to the Holy Week that follow three parallel tracks: the Old Testament, the Letters of Peter and Paul, and the passages from the Gospel of Mark and John, are the lights […]

di Vincenzo Rini