Danka Jaceckova

2018 26 Gennaio

Two-day elections

Presidential elections in the Czech Republic: Zeman and Drahos in run-off vote. Country headed to the polls without a government

The Czech Republic is once again headed to the polls on January 26-27, after the parliamentary elections of October and the first round of presidential vote. Political analyst Petr Sokol, from the Cevro Institute in Prague, geopolitics and European studies expert, delves into the profile of the two candidates Milos Zeman and Jiri Drahos addressing […]

di Danka Jaceckova

2018 25 Gennaio

Cinema & art

“Caravaggio. The blood and the soul.” Lagani (Sky): our strength? Innovation

The movie “Caravaggio. The soul and the blood”, the new documentary of Sky Art Cinema, produced by Sky and Magnitudo, in cooperation with Vatican Media (Communications Secretariat of the Holy See) will premiere in cinemas across Italy on February 19. The documentary was produced under the auspices of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs’ Cinema Directorate […]

di Sergio Perugini

2018 24 Gennaio

Message for the world day of social communications 2018

Critical conscience not to fall into the trap of fake news

It is worthwhile reading, studying and deepening the Message of Pope Francis for the World Day of Social Communications 2018. The Message is directed not only to media workers but also to all those who intend to develop a critical conscience without falling into the trap of the so-called ‘fake news’. The title of the […]

di Dario Edoardo Viganò (*)

2018 24 Gennaio

Messagge for the world communications day 2018

To make land and country for oneself

Perhaps during our childhood we all experienced – just like the orphan child in Cesare Pavese’s “The Moon and the Bonfires” – closing our eyes to see whether the hill before us would disappear when we opened them again, allowing us to see a better Country. 
Digital culture has given a decisive contribution to the […]

di Ivan Maffeis

2018 23 Gennaio

Incident on the border with Italy

Another death on the Chiasso-Lugano railway line. The “martyrs” of migration question human consciences

To die on the train tracks struck by a train speeding at 80km/hr.  It happened the night of Saturday January 20 in the district of Balerna, Switzerland, not far from the station of this border Country along the railway line Chiasso-Lugano. There was nothing the driver could do. Only at the last minute did he […]

di Luigi Maffezzoli*

2018 22 Gennaio

Crossroads between history and politics

Macedonia: the name that separates Skopje from Athens. Negotiations in New York to pave the road leading to Brussels

The “Warrior on a horse” statue erected in 2011 in Skopje’s main square is dedicated to Alexander the Great. The monument – strongly criticised by Greece at the time of its erection – is 23mt. tall. “Today, after 27 years of debates over the name of the Country, although with great delay, everything is in […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 11 Gennaio

Inauguration ceremony

Bulgaria at the helm of the EU: a “Balkan” presidency. Special focus on young people and digital economy

A strong emphasis on the Western Balkan countries and their European integration: it’s a priority of the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Council of Ministers. Despite its various problems, Sofia wants to show that Bulgaria is on the same standing as the major European member Countries. As of January 1st Bulgaria assumed the rotating presidency […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2018 10 Gennaio

World Watch List 2018

Persecuted Christians: 215 million are victims of intolerance. Over 3 thousand killed for their faith

“Worldwide Christian persecution continues to grow, in absolute terms. More than 215 million Christians worldwide face high levels of persecution.” It’s the first figure released by the World Watch List 2018, the annual Report of the international association Open Doors, actively engaged in 25 Countries to support Christians of all denominations victims of violence and […]

di Sarah Numico

2018 10 Gennaio

The "palace" and religions

France, laïcité at the time of Macron. Renewed dialogue between the State and religion

French President Emmanuel Macron has committed himself to “transform” France. For the occupant of the Elysée Palace such transformation encompasses a set of fiscal reforms, Europe’s relaunch, along with the reinterpretation of the concept of laicité. Laicité, understood as the utter division of public powers and religion, has been an intrinsic part and of French […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand (France)

2018 09 Gennaio


Cultural heritage: 2018, a year to recognize one another and feel European

The events linked to The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 kicked off in Milan. The inauguration ceremony held past December 7 saw the presence of European Commissioner for Education and Culture Tibor Navracsics, together with the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani and the President of the European Parliament Committee for Culture and […]

di Sarah Numico