Davide Banzato

2017 05 Dicembre


The vocation to joy is to listen, to grasp the God-incidences, to live in the present!

In the Angelus prayer of the First Sunday of Advent the Pope said, “Jesus exhorts us to pay attention and to watch, to be ready to welcome him at the moment of his return.” In the message for the 55th World Day of Prayer for Vocations the theme of the call to joy has powerfully […]

di Davide Banzato

2017 05 Dicembre


Ireland: decline in vocations after the abuse scandal. Pastoral care, compassion and humbleness to start anew

A survey on “Religious vocations in Ireland” has addressed the vocations crisis experienced by religious orders in relation to the Country’s present circumstances. It aimed “to highlight the opportunities that this particular context open up for the Irish Catholic Church.” The study conducted by Noelia Molina, Irish researcher, was commissioned by Vocations Ireland, the association of […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 04 Dicembre

An overview of the visit

Pope in Myanmar and Bangladesh. He fostered constructive tracks of hope

A few hours after the conclusion of his journey to Myanmar and Bangladesh, Pope Francis uttered the fateful word: Rohingya. All world media outlets had been looking forward to it for days, to condemn the violence perpetrated by the Burmese army with greater emphasis, to denounce the inanity of Aung San Suu Kyi, to place […]

di Bernardo Cervellera

2017 04 Dicembre

World day of peace 2018

Migrants and refugees: men and women in search of peace

“Some consider this [global migrations] a threat. For my part, I ask you to view it with confidence as an opportunity to build peace.” Notwithstanding the analyses, the proposals, and the inspiration for reflection contained in Pope Francis’ Message for the 51st World Day of Peace, the beating heart of his appeal is encompassed in […]

di Enzo Bianchi

2017 28 Novembre

Fourth Eu-Ua summit

Europe and Africa: in Abidjan for a new beginning. Spotlight on youths and development, a focus on migration

Eighty diplomatic delegations representing almost two billion people will convene on November 29-30 in Abidjan, in the Ivory Coast, to attend the meeting of heads of Government and State of Africa and Europe. It’s the fifth meeting of this kind after the ones in Cairo (2000), Lisbon (2007), Tripoli (2010) and Brussels (2014). A busy […]

di Michele Luppi

2017 27 Novembre


Nottingham, the university where the encyclical Laudato si is part of academic teaching

At the University of Nottingham, in a markedly secularised United Kingdom, where on a population of sixty million, most of whom are baptized and less than 4 million go to church, and where a few weeks ago Oxford University banned the most important Christian group from freshers’ fair, Laudato si’ will be used as a […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 17 Novembre

Report 2017

One in ten Italians are poor. Caritas: “sons and grandsons are worse off than their parents and grandparents”

Contrary to what might be expected, young people – and not old people and pensioners – are most severely affected by economic poverty and social exclusion, according to findings published in the 2017 Report on youth poverty and social exclusion titled “Future in the past”, presented by Caritas Italy in Rome on November 17. “Sons […]

di Alberto Baviera

2017 17 Novembre


World Day of the Poor. Over 40.6 million people in the United States live in a state of poverty. The commitment of the Church

Poverty in the US has the face of James, 14, a thief for the State of Louisiana, deserving to go to prison. For the movement “Families and friends of convict children” he is a desperate adolescent helped in his rehabilitation process. James had stolen a car radio as a reaction to his grandmother’s death, his […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 16 Novembre


World Day of the Poor. The example of Alberto Hurtado: “The poor man is Christ”

Nothing best prepares our heart for the World Day of the Poor than the words of one of the greatest saints of our times, Chilean Jesuit priest Saint Alberto Hurtado (1901-1952). These words reverberate as a heartfelt appeal: “The poor man is Christ.” Hurtado explained the Gospel very clearly and incarnated it in the reality […]

di Diego Fares

2017 16 Novembre

Interview with the bishop of rrëshen

Mons. Gjergj Meta (Albania): “My mission, bearer of hope for the people of the periphery”

“We will never accept dirty money, fruit of the blood and of the exploitation of women’s bodies. The doors of the Church are open to repentance and conversion. Then we shall see if the occasional Zacchaeus will devolve his riches to the victims of his exploitation, but not to the Church.” Msgr. Gjergj Meta, bishop […]

di Mira Tuci (from Tirana)