Sarah Numico

2019 04 Novembre


Under the skies of Berlin… Germany remembers the fall of the Wall thirty years later

Thirty years have passed since that incredible evening of November 9, 1989, when the whole world participated in real time in the tearing down of the wall that divided West Berlin and East Germany, and flows of astonished and festive people crossed that absurd border that had separated history, but not the destiny of a […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 29 Ottobre


Anti-Semitism. The UN sounds the alarm: +38%hate crimes in a year, growing anti-Semitic behaviour online

The report on anti-Semitism presented by Ahmed Shaheed, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, has been described as both historic and alarming. During the event, hosted by the Swedish mission to the UN, alongside with Daniel Radomski, Head of Programs and Strategy of the World Jewish Congress, Dr. Shaheed gave an alarming […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from New York

2019 23 Ottobre


Protests in Chile. President of the Bishops’ Conference: “The deep malaise of families and individuals has not been considered”

Strong condemnation of the violence that in the recent protests resulted in the death of 15 people, coupled by the belief that the “deep malaise” had not been taken into consideration. Now it is necessary to “take stock of the true face” of the country, and everyone should be “invited to engage in dialogue on […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 21 Ottobre


Brexit, London cannot decide. What are the views of British citizens? Three voices from the U.K.

The developments of the past few days reconfirm the general situation afflicting British political life. Premier Boris Johnson had promised Brexit would happen on October 31, at all costs. But on Saturday, 19 October, an unprecedented cross-party majority in the House of Commons, ranging from Conservatives to Labour, from Northern Ireland to the Scots, blocked […]

di Gianni Borsa and Silvia Guzzetti

2019 21 Ottobre


Beirut, the resistance. The people united against hunger

Whoever thought that the protest bubble would burst after a few hours was wrong. Premier Hariri gave government partners a 72-hour deadline to restart with greater vigour, or perhaps just to take time: today the police are deployed with greater caution. While there are many troublemakers, they are visibly prepared to spark off riots and […]

di Michele Zanzucchi, from Beirut

2019 10 Ottobre


Tensions in Ecuador, the bishops’ mediation eases the climate

The bishops had said they were willing to facilitate dialogue between the Ecuadorian government on the one hand, and trade union and indigenous representatives on the other, and so they did. Keeping in constant (although not officially recognized) contact between the parties involved, they clenched an initial success, along with the UN office in Quito […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 09 Ottobre


Synod for the Pan-Amazon region: a profile of participants representing indigenous populations

Theirs is an unprecedented and historic presence: 17 representatives of the indigenous peoples participating as non-voting delegates at the Synod for the Pan-Amazon region are precious, significant and greatly-anticipated voices. They arrived in Rome a few at a time representing 390 ethnic groups, and over half of them were directly involved in the long, in-depth […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 04 Ottobre


Poland’s upcoming elections. Kaczynski’s party projected as favourite, but the Country is divided

A few days ahead of the national elections in Poland, scheduled for 13 October next, opinion polls unanimously give the victory to the current ruling party Law and Justice (PiS) led by Jarosław Kaczyński. Dr. Sławomir Sowiński, lecturer at the Institute of Political Science at Catholic University “Card. Stefan Wyszyński”, envisages problems with the formation […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2019 03 Ottobre


Religions in Europe: an Erasmus for “peace-builders”. Mogherini: recognising the positive role of religions

European institutions have decided to support civil society actors committed to improve social cohesion through the contribution of faith. In September, during a Conference in Brussels attended by 150 representatives of civil society, governments and religious institutions, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini announced the creation of a “Global Exchange on Religion in Society”, a “kind […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 30 Settembre


A nun, volunteer workers and a nightclub in Texas turned into a hostel for asylum-seekers

(McAllen-Texas) It’s 11.00 am and the sun beats down even in the shade. Jorge, 22, of Mexican and Texan origin, receives a phone call from immigration officials. They just released 18 families from the detention centres. They’re at the bus station waiting for the volunteers to give them indications on the Humanitarian Respite Centre, opened […]

di Maddalena Maltese, from Texas