Sarah Numico

2017 16 Novembre


Soviet Revolution: a monument to the martyrs in Moscow. Palacio, history scholar: “the difficult relations with the Orthodox Church”

This year, marking the weighty 100th anniversary of the events that in 1917 brought Lenin and the Bolsheviks to power, thus the establishment of the Soviet Republic, is about to end. The celebration of this anniversary is marked by historical and emotional difficulties. Its symbol, which deserves focusing on, is the “Wall of Grief”, the […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 14 Novembre


World Day of the Poor. The authentic meaning of this event wanted by Pope Francis

“Now all we need is the World Day of the fools and we will have finally given them too the opportunity of being blessed”: a few days ago I heard a person commenting out loud the initiative of the World Day of the Poor, celebrated Sunday, November 19, in such terms. The person speaking in […]

di Massimo Naro

2017 13 Novembre


Migrants dead at sea and the voice of our conscience

During the past years that saw us impotent witnesses of the appalling tragedy taking place in the Mediterranean we were also confronted with the terrible images periodically circulated by media outlets. Thousand of innocent victims trying to escape unavoidable death at sea, seeking help amidst the waves of a merciless sea. The indelible images of […]

di Oliviero Forti

2017 09 Novembre


Szczerski: “our partners should learn to trust us, the European heart is beating also in Poland”

72% of Poles view their Country’s adhesion to the European Union with enthusiasm. Krzysztof Szczerski, 44, political scientist, is the head of the cabinet of the President of the Republic of Poland. In 2003 he published the volume “A Catholic in the EU”. In his capacities as member of the Law and Justice Party, led […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2017 08 Novembre

"Upright obedience"

That time when don Mazzolari wrote the Letter to the Bishops of the Po Valley

On March 1st 1958 the bimonthly “Adesso”, of which Don Primo Mazzolari was the inspirer, published a letter addressed to the Bishops of the Po Valley. The document bore the signature of approximately ten priests from Cremona and Brescia, but the parish priest of Bozzolo was clearly its author.
The purpose of the letter was to […]

di Primo Mazzolari

2017 02 Novembre

After the Anne Frank incident

We must not be resigned to societal disintegration!

For almost fifteen years I have been observing and denouncing with deep sadness and concern the extent to which our society is slowly heading towards “barbarism.” It’s a long walk backwards towards incivility, whose small steps spiralled into leaps, to the extent that we are plunging into barbarity day after day. The deplorable episode of […]

di Enzo Bianchi

2017 31 Ottobre


(Re)thinking Europe. Pat Cox: “We are Europeans: it’s our common ground”

“I’m Irish and I’m proud of it. I was born, I live and I will die in Ireland. But this did not prevent me from perceiving something greater and bigger; I never felt that these two spheres – national and European – conflicted with each other. In fact, I always felt that they completed each […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 31 Ottobre

Retracing history

Luther’s Reformation in Germany: “reconciled differences” after 500 years

An event such as the Reformation, a historical event with a global bearing, which left a deep mark on the Christian world, involves us all, not only Protestants. It involves all European populations, and certainly all German people. In addition to the one involving Catholic and Orthodox Christians, there is a new route, encompassing manifold […]

di Thomas Jansen (Germany)

2017 27 Ottobre

Celebration in London

Westminster abbey, Anglicans and Catholics to jointly commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. “A new ecumenism”

“It’s a historical occasion because for the first time the anniversary of the Reformation will be commemorated in an ecumenical era. Things would have been different in 1917, not to mention 1817 or 1717, when the relations between Catholics and Protestants were not good at all.” Canon John O’Toole is the Ecumenical Officer of the Bishops’ Conference […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 26 Ottobre


(Re)thinking Europe. Mons. Scicluna, “bridges, not walls. Reception is in the DNA of our Continent”

“The heinous murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia signalled a moment of great tension for Malta, but it was met with a strong reaction on the part of civil society. This means that the fundamental pillar of democracy was unabated: when people react it’s a sign that social conscience is thriving and that it does not […]

di Sarah Numico