Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2017 24 Ottobre


(Re)thinking Europe. Mons. Proykov: “Bulgaria would not have achieved these results without the EU”

Europe arrives also in the periphery. Bulgaria joined the EU 10 years ago; this path ushered in political and economic security and furthered the improvement of people’s lives. “Indeed, we had great expectations, and that is why we are presently noticing a certain apathy”, Mons. Christo Proykov, Apostolic Exarch, president of the Bulgarian Bishops’ Conference, […]

di Iva Mihailova (from Sofia)

2017 19 Ottobre

Spain’s Crisis

The outcomes of a dangerous chess game between Catalonia and Madrid

The reason why over the past hours it became increasingly difficult to obtain realistic and objective statements on the latest developments in Spain is hard to understand. For some people to speak of a “Spain-Catalonia” conflict is inappropriate, since the latter is a part of the former. Probably they would prefer to speak of a […]

di Javier Rubio (*)

2017 16 Ottobre


Catechism of the Catholic Church. The progress of doctrine

The Church, by its very nature, has the responsibility “‘to guard’ and ‘to move forward’, so that the truth present in Jesus’ proclamation of the Gospel may grow in fullness until the end of time”. This is one of the highlights of the remarkable speech delivered by Pope Francis to mark twenty-five years since the […]

di Mauro Cozzoli

2017 13 Ottobre


Czech Republic: surging family indebtedness rate and poverty-risk. Hand extended to Caritas, the responsibilities of political leaders

One in four Czech families have low means of subsistence and are facing difficult economic situations. In absolute numbers, this problem affects more than 230 thousand households. “This critical social condition is reflected in our services: one in four users of our family counselling centres takes care of one or more minors lacking sufficient means” […]

di Danka Jaceckova

2017 12 Ottobre

United States

Wildfires in California. The Bishop of Santa Rosa, “I drive for hours to try to visit evacuation centres”

(from New York) Only the cross on the roof withstood the flames that have ravaged classrooms, offices, furnishings and walls. All is left of the “Cardinal Newman” High School are a few planks: it was devastated by blazes on the same day of the liturgical celebration of the Cardinal to whom the school is entitled. […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 09 Ottobre

Fifth centenary of the reformation

Lutherans-Catholics. The vocation to unity is an essential part of being Christians

Significant steps along the common path of Lutherans and Catholics are not a recent thing. Moreover, all Christian Churches feel close to the ecumenical movement: albeit with different emphases, marked by more or less open approaches, all the Churches are aware that today we cannot stand indifferent in the face of the appeal to Christian […]

di Cristiano Bettega (*)

2017 04 Ottobre

World day of social communications 2018

Fake news. Pope Francis’ invitation to a journalism of peace

With the theme chosen for the 52nd World Day of Social Communications 2018 Pope Francis strongly reaffirms the urgent need for widespread, in-depth reflections on a phenomenon of collective interest at the centre of a heated debate, relevant to the pragmatic consequences of communication, i.e. fake news: groundless information based on non-existent or distorted facts. […]

di Paolo Peverini

2017 04 Ottobre

Continental-scale proposal

Europe of diversity: art, culture and the environment; 70 thousand events for the European Heritage Days 2017

“It is the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event in Europe”: in fact over 20 million people take part in the European Heritage Days every year. The Council of Europe launched the initiative in 1985, to be held in the months of September- October. It became a joint action co-organised with the European Union in […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 03 Ottobre

United States

Las Vegas massacre: 59 dead and over 500 wounded. The bishops: “We are called to be modern-day good Samaritans

(From New York) David drove for over three hours to reach Las Vegas and stand on line, for an equal number of hours, to donate blood. He is not alone: the queues in front of the blood banks signal the state of emergency, marked by unexpected tokens of solidarity and generosity. People carrying bottles of […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 03 Ottobre

Artistic performance

Tunisia: seven glass tombs for migrants who died in the Mediterranean

Seven glass tombs are floating in the seas of Tunisia, on the opposite shore of the Mediterranean. Artist Sadika Keskes called them the “Tombeaux de la Dignité”, (dignity tombs), a visible sign Mare Nostrum waters “to remember all those who lost their lives in the Mediterranean and will forever remain without a name and without […]

di Michele Luppi