Thomas Jansen, Germany

2017 26 Settembre

After the Bundestag vote

Merkel remains at the helm, but populist clouds hover over Germany

On the one side Angela Merkel has lost the Bundestag elections: her Christian-Democratic Union (CDU), in conjunction with the Bavarian Christian-Social Union (CSU) gained only 33% of the vote; 8% less compared to the previous 2013 election. However, she is the winner on another front, since after 12 years she received a clear governmental mandate. […]

di Thomas Jansen, Germany

2017 25 Settembre


To what extent are we familiar with the Word of God?

Pope Francis’ invitation to devote a Sunday to the Word of God is an opportunity that allows us to ascertain the depth of our relationship with the Holy Scripture that constantly calls us into question. How familiar are we with the Word of God? Today, many years after the Council, do we still consider it […]

di Diana Papa

2017 25 Settembre

Analysis of the phenomenon

Racism after Charlottesville. Calvo-Quiros (University of Michigan): “It isn’t only an American issue”

(from New York) “Racism is not confined to the United States; in fact it involves the whole world and its governing values”, said professor William Calvo-Quiros, Associate Professor of American Culture and Ethnic Studies at the University of Michigan. The rally organized by white supremacists and neo-Nazis groups  in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left one woman […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 22 Settembre

New diocesan proposal

Luxembourg, Catholic religious education no longer in schools. Catechesis, a second “revolution” in parishes

In the past weeks the Church in Luxembourg has been going through a second revolution. After the reorganization of church parishes enforced past May, envisaging the transformation of 280 parishes into 33 communities, it’s now the turn of catechesis. In fact, starting with the present school-year, parishes will provide for catechesis for children, carried out […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 21 Settembre

Historical agreement

Vatican media: joint agreement between the Secretariat for Communications and the Jesuits. Mons. Viganò: “Today a presence is renewed”

Today, Thursday September 21, at 9:30, an important signature was affixed in the Vatican. The Prefect of the Secretariat for Communications (SfC), Msgr. Dario Edoardo Viganò, and Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, delegate of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Father Arturo Sosa Abascal, signed a Convention between the new Dicastery of the Holy […]

di Sergio Perugini

2017 19 Settembre

Race for the Bundestag

Germany: Merkel is “destined” to continue ruling the Country, and trailing the EU

There is great anticipation for Germany’s Federal elections of September 24 also outside of the Country. Important political decisions at European level and, most of all, the debate on the future of the EU, have been adjourned until after the election, given the decisive importance of the German partner. There is widespread speculation on the […]

di Thomas Jansen - Germany

2017 18 Settembre

It happens in the United States

Dreamers. The concerns of Maria and Jose, two of the 800 thousand youths at risk of deportation

(from New York) Maria was 5 years old when she crossed the border from Mexico into the United States with her mother and father. She always worked and studied very hard to cover the university’s high fees. However, she didn’t manage to complete her studies. She is now 23 and has a daughter that risks […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 14 Settembre

After the visit

Pope in Colombia. Grateful memory that prompts reflection and is full of hope

“Colombia, open your heart as the People of God and be reconciled.  Fear neither the truth nor justice.  Dear people of Colombia: do not be afraid of asking for forgiveness and offering it.  Do not resist that reconciliation which allows you to draw near and encounter one another as brothers and sisters, and surmount enmity.  […]

di Guzmán Carriquiry Lecour (*)

2017 14 Settembre


Buon anno scolastico

La nostra scuola ha riaperto le sue porte per accogliere gli studenti che si accingono a riprendere le attività didattiche. Alunni nuovi che per la prima volta varcano quella soglia per incontrare i nuovi insegnanti ed alunni che sono a metà percorso e che riprendono le attività interrotte prima delle vacanze estive. Questi primi passi […]

di Salvatore Coccia (*)

2017 13 Settembre

Spirit of Assisi

Religious leaders: “Dialogue and encounter disarm and stop the perpetrators of violence”

One by one, world religious leaders, rabbis, shepherds of Christian Churches, imams, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Hindi, Jains and Buddhists from world Countries, some from areas afflicted by violence and war, stepped down from the large light-blue podium set up in Osnabrück’s Marktplaats and lit a candle for peace. A great invocation to end conflicts and acts […]

di from our correspondent M. Chiara Biagioni