Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 11 Settembre


My September 11 2001. Mons. Whalen: I learned the power of unity and love

The motto of Staten Island’s Catholic school, where Msgr. Edmund Whalen serves as principal, is “Men 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.” Who knows if the firemen and the policemen who studied here said those words to themselves on the morning of September 11 2001 while they ran to help, […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 11 Settembre


Pope in Colombia. Mons. Álvarez Botero: “Nothing will be the same again”

Seen from the Colombian Church – as well as in the eyes of the Colombian population – Francis’ visit has been a masterpiece. The Pope found the right way and the right words to undertake one of the most delicate visits of his pontificate, in a Country that is recovering from 52 years of internal […]

di Bruno Desidera

2017 08 Settembre

Reception and mission

“Taste the Church”: Christians in The Netherlands mobilize efforts for an open-door weekend

A surprising mobilization marked by great enthusiasm is perceivable throughout the Netherlands ahead of the weekend of September 9-10, when the initiative “Taste the Church” will take place, involving 433 local communities belonging to 21 different Christian denominations that accepted to take up the challenge of inviting people who have been distant from community life […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 07 Settembre

Forgotten conflicts

South Sudan: the President of the Bishops, “the situation is tragic, people are starving”

“The situation in South Sudan is not an easy one. The war that continues since 2013 shows no sign of ending. Nobody respects the outcomes of the peace talks, neither the government and nor the rebels. There is fighting in the streets, in villages and in cities.” Msgr. Barani Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala, President of the […]

di Irene Argentiero

2017 06 Settembre

Apostolic visit

The Pope in Colombia. Msgr. Urbina Ortega (President of Colombian Bishops): “A great sign of joy and hope for our Country”

Everyone, each in their own way, should take the “first step” to bring peace and reconciliation in Colombia, after decades of war. It is the only option for the South American Country. The words, the presence and the witness of Pope Francis, who will be visiting Colombia September 6 to 10, will serve as an […]

di Bruno Desidera

2017 06 Settembre

United States

Chicago, Leo High “dream” School. An oasis of opportunities for young Afro-Americans

A school at the service of the poor. In its early years most students were children of Irish factory workers, today they are Afro-Americans. At a time when racism in the US is resurging, the story of Chicago’s Leo High School is exemplary. In the difficult neighbourhood known as South Side, where drug-dealing and violence […]

di Damiano Beltrami, from the United States

2017 05 Settembre

Upcoming elections

Germany to the polls. Catholics will remain “neutral.” The appeal of the bishops, the activism of the laity

On September 24 German citizens will go to the polls for the renewal of the Bundestag, the German Parliament. Will Chancellor Angela Merkel, undisputed leader of the Christian-Democratic Party (CDU) be reconfirmed at Germany’s leadership with a fifth mandate? Will the German people renew their confidence in her and in her politics marked by openness […]

di Massimo Lavena

2017 01 Settembre

With a single voice

Day of Creation. The message of Francis and Bartholomew, a prophetic sign of communion between the Churches

Sometimes we are under the impression that today, speaking about ecology is somewhat fashionable. It certainly is a popular subject, which draws attention and interest, at least in certain environments and in the heart of a considerable number of people. However, there is also another acknowledgement that needs to be made, that is, the recognition […]

di Cristiano Bettega (*)

2017 31 Agosto


Harvey Hurricane. The destructive force persists but it doesn’t stop the wave of solidarity

(from New York) Images of houses, vehicles, roads, train stations, crops submerged by high waters are uninterruptedly broadcast by US TV networks. Hurricane Harvey’s destructive force persists – albeit now on its way out- but the solidarity waves it raised nationwide is relentless. Hundreds of volunteers swarmed to Houston and to the south of Texas, […]

di Maddalena Maltese (from New York)

2017 31 Agosto


The unjustifiable indifference towards human procreation

Engineering capabilities on human beings appear to have no ethical boundaries but only technical obstacles that must be overcome. Thus experiments on human embryos and their genetic modification are in keeping with a radical transformation of human procreation, enshrined in reproductive and selective procedures. While in China what we define as Medically assisted procreation techniques […]

di Adriano Pessina