Oliviero Forti (*)

2017 10 Luglio


G20 and Tallin summit: no credible proposal on the issue of migrants

Since the G20 in Hamburg and before the Tallinn summit, no useful, credible proposals emerged to seriously address the question of migrants. Italy’s provocative proposal to close all ports in order to persuade the rest of Europe to show greater solidarity, was not even taken into account. On the contrary, not only was it reiterated […]

di Oliviero Forti (*)

2017 06 Luglio

The memory

Joaquín Navarro-Valls. Not only Vatican correspondents

“As far as I understand SIR’s Editor-in-chief is a person who does not work on his own, his colleagues are as many as the editors-in-chief of diocesan Catholic weeklies. It’s a unique, extraordinary experience.” With a sentence and a smile Joaquín Navarro-Valls commented on the presentation of SIR news agency. That’s how we like to […]

di Paolo Bustaffa

2017 04 Luglio


Migrants: learning to live together is like learning to love

All so-called forms of “educations to” (1), understood as education for all, quality, inclusive, solidarity-based, integral, intercultural, lifelong education, are basically ways, conditions, strategies, to learn to live together. The same principle of inclusion can become concrete only by cultivating every person’s love for their neighbour, along with that of every institution for other institutions. This […]

di Hiang-Chu Ausilia Chang

2017 04 Luglio

Bishops’ Conference

Czech Republic: launch of the ecclesial tourism project with 300 destinations

Over 300 pilgrimage sites, thousands of historical Christian monuments, opportunities of accommodation offered by religious institutes, monasteries and parishes, along with ecclesial activities in all the regions of the Czech Republic, dozens of touristic itineraries for people of all ages based on the combination “learning and leisure”. All the necessary information is mapped on new […]

di Danka Jaceckova

2017 03 Luglio


Charlie Gard: a person who suffers is much more than his disease

The story of Charlie, the ten-month baby affected by a genetic disease, is heart-rending and conscience-stirring. The decision on his life was taken with a judgement issued by the European Court of Human Rights that the parents had turned to in the hope of overturning the ruling of three British Courts authorizing physicians of the […]

di Mauro Cozzoli (*)

2017 30 Giugno

Best practices

Food waste: Europe takes action. The good example from France, other Countries start to follow in its wake

.   The European Parliament gave the green light, now it’s up to the European Commission to develop regulations to cut food waste by 30% by 2025 and by 50% by 2030, to remove restrictions on food donations along with clearer labelling, making “best before” and “use by” labels less confusing. Finally, it’s time to […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 29 Giugno


Ecumenical Assembly in Graz, 20 years later: reconciliation, an ever-renewed commitment

Twenty years ago, 700 delegates and 10 000 participants convened in Graz to attend the Second Ecumenical Assembly (AEE2). The meeting, held June 23-29 1997, was a fruit of the First Ecumenical Assembly in Basel (1989), followed by the third, to date the last, Assembly in Sibiu of 2007. It was organized by the Council […]

di Stefan Vesper (*)

2017 28 Giugno

Third millennium presbyters

Preparing youths for the priesthood: new scenarios, new challenges

Those were the concluding moments of a workshop with seminarians of one of approximately 150 houses of formation for seminarians and religious clergy from world Countries who are studying in Rome. We were discussing their expectations after priestly ordination. The focus was on administrative and organizational issues along with the many meetings they were due […]

di Hans Zollner (*)

2017 26 Giugno


Ecumenical Assembly in Graz, 20 years later: the wind continues to blow

“In Graz, we have become even more aware that the Churches cannot seriously and credibly address Europe and the world nor can they support the yearning for happiness, meaning, celebration, for the eternal that is in the heart of everyone unless they focus first of all on the quest for reconciliation between them.” These words, […]

di Paolo Bustaffa

2017 23 Giugno

World youth day

Lithuania: focus on under30s for a young Church following in the footsteps of Blessed Teofilo Matulionis

The Ninth National Day of Lithuanian youths will take place in Vilnius, June 23 to 25 whose theme is taken from the Gospel of John: “truth will set you free”. “The event was entirely organized by young people, which makes it different from the meetings normally attended by under-30s but which are organized by professionals. […]

di Sarah Numico