from Ventimiglia, Michele Luppi

2017 21 Giugno


Ventimiglia: with 250 migrants camped out at France-Italy border

Every Friday morning, the parking area opposite the church of St. Anthony of Gianchette, a few blocks away from the seafront and from the centre of Ventimiglia, is filled with cars bearing French licence-plates. They belong to the inhabitants of Menton and of other towns on the French Riviera who cross the border to do […]

di from Ventimiglia, Michele Luppi

2017 21 Giugno

Bozzolo and Barbiana

Pope Francis “re-reads” Don Mazzolari and Don Milani: Gospel witnesses, teachers in humanity

Bozzolo and Barbiana, Don Primo Mazzolari and Don Lorenzo Milani. Two realities at the margins of the centres of power and prestige, two marginalized voices – owing to their vocation to live the Gospel embodied in history. For the two Italian priests this meant giving back the word to the poor, engaging in dialogue with […]

di Mariangela Maraviglia

2017 20 Giugno

Caught between terrorism and Brexit

Father Fulco, parish priest at St. Peter’s Church: “Italians in London side with Londoners”

“London is a city that has grown used to confronting terrorism along with the panic it spreads since the attacks perpetrated by IRA, the paramilitary organization of Northern Ireland that fought for a united Ireland. I am convinced that the city will overcome the crises of the past months, blemished by a series of terror […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 19 Giugno

Message for the world day of the poor

Poverty according to Pope Francis: a reading in the light of Evangelii gaudium

Pope Francis’ establishment of a special World Day of the Poor ought to be seen in the light of the general project of his pontificate condensed in the exhortation Evangelii gaudium. In fact its content can be encapsulated in three points: First of all, the option for the poor, which must be understood as “a special […]

di Marcello Semeraro (*)

2017 16 Giugno

Religious freedom

Sofia: local authorities don’t recognize property owned by the Catholic Exarchate as “religious buildings”

The law is equal for all, but in Sofia it is interpreted differently. It is the case of specific Church property that the Financial Department of the City Council has unexpectedly decided to consider “simple dwellings.” The case dates back to 2014, when a tax investigation was carried out on the Catholic Exarchate of Sofia, […]

di from Sofia, Iva Mihailova

2017 16 Giugno


Corpus Domini: The Eucharist and the cities can communicate

For a long time my generation experienced the Corpus Domini procession, with the monstrance and the holy canopy solemnly passed through the town streets, as the most significant symbolical image representing a specific presence of the Church in society. Now that, conversely, there are many who intend to impose State secularism, to the extent of […]

di Enzo Bianchi

2017 14 Giugno

Vocational discernment

A website and a questionnaire for the Synod on youth. Card. Baldisseri: “Involve them in Synod journey as much as possible”

The General Secretariat of the Synod has announced the opening of a website in preparation for the XV Ordinary General Assembly on the theme of “Youth, faith, and vocational discernment”, which will be held in the month of October 2018. The website will be available from today at: We have asked Card. Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary […]

di Lorenzo Baldisseri

2017 09 Giugno

Events and spirituality

Austria, it’s the night of the churches. Open doors and ecumenical spirit for a community “that goes forth”

The “Long night of the Churches” is an international event that draws inspiration from a proposal advanced in the framework of ecumenical dialogue across a number of European Countries, whose major events will take palce this evening, Friday June 9, with the adhesion of Austria, Estonia, Czech Republic and Slovakia. But the project, that was […]

di Massimo Lavena

2017 08 Giugno

Climate change and politics

Stanford University scholars: thumbs down to Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

Last week President Donald Trump announced that the United States would pull out of the Paris Climate Agreements, negotiated by 195 Countries in 2015 to reduce global warming. Three experts from Stanford University in California, members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or with environmental and International Law competences, shared their reading of the […]

di Damiano Beltrami from the United States

2017 06 Giugno

June 4 1943

Don Lorenzo Milani: the laity of Barbiana is a synonym of openness and freedom

Next June 26 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Don Lorenzo Milani. For the occasion Pope Francis will go on pilgrimage on his tomb, in Barbiana, on Tuesday June 20, celebrating the recurrence a few days in advance. However, another date, in this month that ushers in the summer, is especially consecrated to […]

di Ernesto Diaco (*)