Sarah Numico

2017 01 Giugno

Ahead of the Concistory/2

New Cardinals. Arborelius (Stockholm): “My appointment is a gift to the small, Swedish Church in the periphery”

“Whoever has met bishop Anders recognizes his extreme mildness and the simple yet profound spirituality that radiates from him. Anders Arborelius rarely utters a redundant word. Some time ago I had the great pleasure of being his guest at Götgatan. He was very generous and humble, more interested in listening than talking about himself.” The […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 30 Maggio

Young people and the Church

United Kingdom: the uneven trend of vocations in seminaries and monasteries. From recruitment to discernment

The good news is that on the whole, the number of vocations – of men and women alike – in Catholic religious orders of England and Wales is increasing, and that the trend of candidates to the priesthood has been positive in recent years. The bad news is that in 2016 the number of new […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 30 Maggio


The Pope in Genoa. The feature of good economy is the dignity of work

In Genoa Pope Francis returned to address the issue of labour, with a reflection focused on the dignity of work. The starting point of the Holy Father’s analysis appears to be the suggestion whereby against the backdrop of increasing economic interdependence, fragmented production processes and technological developments, the new conflicts characterising the working environment rather […]

di Fabio G. Angelini

2017 29 Maggio


G7: various tensions and few concrete results

The G7 summit in Taormina ended with various tensions, few concrete outcomes and an inevitable veil of rhetoric marking official statements. Those are the elements that contributed to an overall poor result, which was widely expected. Thus it would be wrong to describe it as a veritable disappointment, nor would it be right to accuse […]

di Stefano Costalli

2017 22 Maggio


Pietro Grasso remembers Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino: “They weren’t heroes. They were model citizens. We could all be like them”

25 years have passed since that tragic 1992. It seems yesterday. It’s a lifetime ago. I will never forget the feelings of anger, despair and sorrow of that tragic May 23d when I learned that a bomb containing some five-hundred kilos of TNT had transformed that street of Capaci in a war scenario. Nothing will […]

di Pietro Grasso (*)

2017 15 Maggio


The Pope in Fatima: “A journey of prayer”, meeting the face of Jesus and Mary

Each one of Francis’ apostolic journeys has a special hue. Fatima is the “journey of prayer”, the encounter with the Face of Jesus and with that of His Mother. On far too many occasions Marian devotion was branded as overly sentimental and even as a theological deviation. In his questions, Francis does not elude or […]

di Cristiana Dobner

2017 28 Aprile

Political analysis

Western Balkans: six Countries are (slowly) advancing towards the EU. A number of obstacles on the road to Brussels

The Western Balkans represent the most problematic area of Europe, exception made for Ukraine. Indeed, all six Countries of the Western Balkans – namely the four official candidates (Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania and Serbia) and the two potential candidates (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo) – after Croatia’s adhesion in 2013, are on the track […]

di Vesna Kilibarda (Montenegro)

2017 11 Aprile

Territories of the former Soviet Union

Polish Church: hands extended to East European Catholics. Material aids and initiatives for youths, all the way up to Siberia

This year Catholic and Orthodox faithful will celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection on the same day. It happens every three years, when the date for Easter according to the Gregorian calendar coincides with that of the Julian calendar. The joy of celebrating side by side is deeply felt especially in those places where Catholic and Orthodox […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2017 10 Aprile

International perspective

Syria, Stockholm, Egypt: a blood-soaked weekend amidst ongoing global uncertainties

The heinous blood-soaked weekend that coincides with Palm Sunday, from Syria, to Sweden, to Egypt, reconfirms how difficult it is to unravel the garbled situation of international relations. It has become evident that the narration and the interests of financial-driven globalization, from one bubble to the next and of liberalistic nature, show signs of weakness, […]

di Francesco Bonini

2017 05 Aprile

Negotiations kick off

Brexit: Verhofstadt, “a marriage of convenience” between the EU and the United Kingdom. It’s time for a new relationship

It was a sad moment, Wednesday last week, when the British ambassador delivered the letter to President Tusk. It’s true, the relationship between Britain and Europe was never easy. It was never a love affair, and certainly not “wild passion”. More a marriage of convenience. And that was already clear from the beginning. In the […]

di Guy Verhofstadt (*)