Mauro Ungaro

2017 05 Aprile

April 5 1992

Sarajevo, 25 years later: the invisible wounds of a conflict that changed ethnical and religious balances

The siege of Sarajevo began 25 years ago – on April 5 1992 – . It continued until February 29 1996, leaving over 12thousand dead and at least 50thousand wounded, most of whom were innocent civilians. In those first days of spring the troops of the Yugoslavian Popular Army and the Bosnian-Serb forces were deployed […]

di Mauro Ungaro

2017 04 Aprile

Alarm from the “Balkan route”

Bulgaria, migrants are not welcome. Patashev (Caritas): “Tragic situation”

“Let them go elsewhere, we cannot welcome them here” says Ivan, 72, when asked about the refugees. His is one of the many voices heard in Bulgaria over the past days. Although in the past the situation was different: approximately 70 years ago, on March 9 1943, the Bulgarians prevented the deportation of Jews to […]

di Iva Mihailova, from Sofia

2017 28 Marzo

Analysis of Eurostat data/3

United Kingdom, the job market is running out of steam. “It’s the Brexit-effect”

Increased unemployment rates in the UK – from 4.9% in 2016 to 5.2% in 2017 – with forecasts registering a worsening in 2018 of up to 5.6%, are reportedly due to the Brexit. Tom Weyman-Jones, Emeritus Professor of Industrial Economics at the University of Loughborough, has no doubts. “After the referendum of last June 23, […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 28 Marzo

After the celebrations

Declaration of Rome: “a noble compromise.” Now the words must turn into facts

From 6 to 27 in 60 years. With a few ailments, a painful divorce underway, and the struggle to come together with determination to put into action what is direly needed today. Yet still united, having achieved the most advanced plan of progress and peace in the history of the past Century. Despite the many […]

di Luca Jahier (*)

2017 27 Marzo


The Pope’s address to EU leaders: Christianity still has a lot to contribute to Europe

Pope Francis was the moral protagonist of the days dedicated to celebrations marking 60 years since the signing of the Treaties of Rome, with a special focus on the Europe of tomorrow. The address delivered in the Vatican and the visit to Milan form part of a whole. It would be impossible to understand the […]

di Antonio Tajani (*)

2017 23 Marzo

Celebrating 60 years

Treaties of Rome: the Schuman Declaration a veritable cornerstone of the European Union. Solidarity to win every war

It is good and just that the European Union and her member Countries, together with Europeanist movements, will celebrate the anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, ratified on March 25 1957. It is equally important to seize this occasion as an opportunity to reflect and discern on the future of European unification, while waiting for […]

di Thomas Jansen

2017 20 Marzo

The foundation dates back to 1927

Caritas Slovakia: supporting those in need for over 90 years. “But there is still widespread diffidence towards migrants”

“Caritas Slovakia is a thriving body with great future prospects”, said Bishop Stefan Secka, President of Caritas Slovakia, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of its foundation. Having survived the decades of Communist rule, today Caritas is the major non-governmental body providing social and relief services in the Country. It counts 10 diocesan offices, […]

di Danka Jaceckowa, from Bratislava

2017 16 Marzo

A sigh of relief for Europe

Holland shifts to the centre and stops populism – for the time being. A fragmented Chamber and an uphill struggle to form the government

Mark Rutte succeeded for the third time. That part of Europe that was afraid to witness the triumph of populist leader Geert Wilders took a breath of relief and welcomed with pleasure the victory of the Popular Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) that gained 33 seats at the new Dutch Parliament. However, it’s a […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 14 Marzo

A new referendum on the horizon?

Brexit, Scotland demands secession. For historian Tom Devine it’s entirely the fault of Theresa May

scot“If I were Theresa May right now I’d be afraid. In fact, whatever her views may be – and I’m aware that a large number of Conservative politicians can’t wait to get rid of a combative, defiant Scotland – being recorded in history as the British Premier who paved the way for the destruction of […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2017 10 Marzo

Ahead of the Presidential election:

France: Europe marks the election campaign: amidst opposing and undecided candidates, some pledge support for the EU

In France’s presidential election campaign Europe occupies a primary role. The candidates’ positions are clearly divided into three main stands deserving in-depth analysis. The first position is staunchly anti-European, intending to ditch the EU and put an end to all of Europe’s achievements since 1950, from the Schuman Declaration of May 9 that same year […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand, France