Sarah Numico

2017 22 Febbraio

Moscow, obtrusive neighbour

New walls separating Baltic Countries from Russians. Bishop Grusas (Lithuania): we work for peace, but a people must be able to defend itself

Also Lithuania intends to strengthen the external borders of the European Union. In the coming months the construction of high-tech “fencing” will begin on a part of the border with the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad and Belarus. Lithuania has already ring-fenced the first 23 kilometres of its borders with Russia and plans to extend it […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 21 Febbraio


Poland, Mons. Jedraszewski is the new Archbishop of Krakow. “Seeking new answers to new challenges”

“Today, in the face of new challenges, we need to find equally convincing answers as those conveyed by my great predecessors”, the new Archbishop of Krakow Marek Jedraszewski, 67, to whom the Pope personally communicated the new appointment, told SIR. “Being the third successor of Saint John Paul II in Krakow is a great joy […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2017 20 Febbraio

A study sheds light on this sector

Second-hand garments recylcing: a European “business”. But Africa pays the dues

The European Union’s efforts for “circular economy”, the system whereby waste re-enters the economic cycle in the form of resources, are ongoing. At the end of January the Environment Committee of the European Parliament adopted a new legislative package that will be voted in plenary probably by February, which, inter alia, reinforces a set of […]

di Sarah Numico

2017 08 Febbraio

Demonstrations across one hundred cities

Protests in Romania against the law that eased corruption penalties with the slogan: “Rezist”

They call for a democratic Romania based on values; a government that will guide the Country with honesty and transparency. They want upright politicians, without a criminal record, dedicated to serving the citizens and not focused on protecting their own interests. They request justice for all, respect and responsibility. The thousands and thousands of citizens […]

di Cristina Grigore, from Bucarest

2017 01 Febbraio

Reflection on an article from “Christ & Welt”

Mouhanad Khorchide and Islamic tolerance. For an “Islamic year of mercy”?

The Jubilee of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2016 had an indirect impact also on other Christian denominations and religions. In particular, it raised interest in an area of Islamic cultural thought that has been calling for a revision of the interpretative criteria – notably of the Quran – for the past decades, on […]

di Angelo Paoluzi

2017 24 Gennaio


Social Communications Day 2017: those beacons in the darkness of this world

“In and of itself, reality has no one clear meaning. Everything depends on the way we look at things, on the lens we use to view them”, Francis writes. The lens. Before an avalanche that engulfs dozens of human lives, we can pour out our indignation on social networks or on television. Polemical lens always […]

di Ivan Maffeis

2017 18 Gennaio

A month after the attack

Berlin: The Church of Remembrance, a timeless symbol against terrorism and wars

A month has passed since that tragic December 19, 2016: the horrifying Islamist terror attack that hit Europe, this time Berlin. Commentators highlighted the symbolic implication of the terror attack against the Christmas market, a lively and ancient Christian tradition in Germany. However, they failed to emphasize, and perhaps have not fully understood, the other […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand

2016 21 Dicembre

Cura dei minori

La casa dove i bambini “risorgono”. Dalla tristezza alla speranza

Quando si parla di strutture impegnate nel recupero di bambini abusati o vittime di violenza, si rischia facilmente di farsi trasportare dalle emozioni, proprio per questo motivo l’ideale è quello di partire dai numeri che, seppur freddi, rendono bene l’idea del lavoro che c’è dietro una realtà come la Casa famiglia “Madre Ester” di Scerne […]

di Marco Calvarese

2016 06 Dicembre

Under30 emergency

Spain: “Jobs for young people for the Country’s future prospects.” The analysis of the bishop of Barcelona

What are the long-term consequences of a younger generation being excluded from the job market? By acknowledging the problems linked to such exclusion the Church must strive with hope and generosity to help unemployed young people, said the archbishop Juan José Omella i Omella, president of the Bishops’ Commission for Social Pastoral Care of the […]


2016 28 Novembre

Angela will run for a fourth term

Merkel, Chancellor of Europe, waltzing in and keeping promises

Extraordinary Congress of the Christian-Democrat Congress in Essen, year 2000: Angela Merkel is elected President of the Party (the first woman to hold that office in the CDU) looking for new leaders and new strategies, with 96% of the vote. She delivered a 75-minute speech marked by the phrase: “We have returned”, which was welcomed […]

di Angelo Paoluzi