Marco Calvarese


2019 19 Settembre

Visita pastorale

Papa ad Albano. Mons. Semeraro (vescovo): “Sarà un po’ come se stesse visitando una parrocchia di Roma”

La visita di papa Francesco ad Albano Laziale nel pomeriggio del 21 settembre 2019, ha un qualcosa di straordinario in un luogo dove in passato i residenti erano più abituati all’abito bianco del pontefice. Infatti da quando Castel Gandolfo non è più la residenza estiva del pontefice, anche Albano Laziale non ha più visto il […]

di Marco Calvarese

2019 11 Settembre


What is happening in Hong Kong? An analysis of the protests and the international situation

Is smashing a window in Hong Kong any different from doing it in Paris? It is for a certain school of thought of Western media: the French “casseurs” have an air of hooliganism, while Asia’s insurgents are the emblems of freedom, human rights and the like. The same happened in the past with the “Arab […]

di Marco Bonatti

2019 06 Settembre


Council of Europe: 70 years of democracy and rights. Msgr. Rudelli: “Linking up the East and the West”

“The Council of Europe is the first European institution created after the Second World War designed to bolster unity among European countries.” The Holy See has been a member since 1970 with its Permanent Observer. Msgr. Paolo Rudelli (below, in his offices in Strasbourg photo SIR/Marco Calvarese, ), recently appointed Archbishop and Apostolic Nuncio, has […]

di Marco Calvarese and Sarah Numico from Strasbourg

2019 04 Settembre


Brexit, tension in Westminster. Stuart (political analyst): populism is winning over

Lack of written legislation and “deeply tribal” politics, which means that the two most important parties, Labour and Conservative, are not used to working together: these are the reasons for the chaos that is wreaking havoc in Westminster according to Mark Stuart, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham. “Britain is […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2019 04 Settembre


Poland, Catholic media sees new growth. Fr Pawlaszczyk: “The quality challenge”

An sales increase of more than 3% of the Catholic weekly Gość Niedzielny (Sunday Visitor), in April 2019, compared to those of the previous year may appear to be a rather insignificant market success were it not referred to print media. With more and more readers turning to the Internet for information and abandoning newsstands, […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2019 03 Settembre


“I will be the voice of Guatemala”: interview with Msgr. Ramazzini Imeri, the frontier bishop to be created cardinal

“This morning I was awakened by a priest friend who lives in Rome. He told me that the Pope had just announced that I was among the new cardinals. Obviously, it came as a great surprise to me.” Msgr. Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri, bishop of Huehuetenango, in Guatemala, speaks to SIR of how he was […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 21 Agosto

Sisma tre anni dopo/3

Terremoto a Teramo. Mons. Leuzzi: “Impegno della Chiesa è sollecitazione perché ogni Istituzione faccia bene il suo dovere”

La diocesi di Teramo-Atri ha uno strano rapporto con il terremoto, è stata infatti interessata da tutti quelli che si sono succeduti nel Centro Italia dal 2009 al 2017, ma non è mai finita al centro delle cronache nazionali che hanno acceso i riflettori su altre località dove la tragedia umana era di enorme rilevanza. […]

di Marco Calvarese

2019 30 Luglio


A patron Saint for the Synod. Brazilian bishops ask the Pope that he be Father Ezekiel Ramin, Comboni priest killed in the Amazon region

A patron Saint for the Amazon and the upcoming Synod. This is the exceptional request recently submitted to Pope Francis, signed by as many as 200 Brazilian bishops. In their letter the bishops ask the Pope to recognize as martyr the Italian Comboni missionary Ezekiel Ramin from Padua, assassinated in 1985 after standing up for […]

di Bruno Desidera

2019 26 Luglio


France: revision of the law on medically assisted procreation. The Bishops: “It ratifies the absence of a father”

The draft revision of the French bioethics law, approved by the State Council and the Council of Ministers on 24 July, will be discussed by the National Assembly next fall. The Government, reads the preamble, “intends to define a legal framework that recognizes the freedom of expression of everyone, with respect for the collective interest, […]

di Sarah Numico

2019 25 Luglio


Puerto Rico scandal, Governor resigns. Mons. González Molina (Bishops’ President): “Eradicate corruption”

All together. Youths – in large numbers – families and old people. Bishops and artists Ricky Martin and Daddy Yankee. Last Monday, a human tide invaded the entire island of Puerto Rico, starting from the capital San Juan, demanding the resignation of Governor Ricardo Rosselló, who has been governing the territory not incorporated into the […]

di Bruno Desidera