Massimo Naro

2016 22 Novembre


“Misericordia et Misera”: Pope Francis places his foot on the threshold of our hearts to keep it open

Biblical rootedness, liturgical contextualization, theological argument and, above all, experiential concreteness: these are the registers that resonate harmonically throughout the Apostolic Letter “Misericordia et Misera” that Pope Francis has given to the Church on the day marking the closing of the Extraordinary Jubilee celebrated worldwide. It would be enough to comment on the title to […]

di Massimo Naro

2016 22 Novembre


“Misericordia et Misera”: to promote social inclusion and break the chains of poverty

The Jubilee Year dedicated to mercy has just ended. It’s an important moment to reflect on what we have experienced and to reflect on the extent to which the call for the abounding love of mercy penetrates our hearts. Although Francis’ first Jubilee has come to an end, we are faced with the mounting challenge […]

di Fabio G. Angelini

2016 10 Novembre

International scenarios

“Close relations between Europe and the Holy See” for Jan Tombinski, new EU envoy to the Vatican

“Celebrations marking the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, along with Pope Francis’ recent visit to Sweden, are the object of broad debate. The relations between Christian Churches is an important theme today, which influences political decisions across many EU Countries”: Jan Tombinski, Polisj is the new head of the EU delegation to the Holy […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska

2016 07 Novembre

Jubilee of Prisoners

The respect of the human dignity of prisoners is the gauge of our civilization

Pope Francis has proposed a change of paradigm: putting the dignity of the human person at the centre of criminal law issues. In fact, human dignity does not pertain to the realm of duties. Human dignity is the cornerstone of human rights. Human dignity is not lost and forgotten according to specific circumstances or behaviours. […]

di Patrizio Gonnella (*)

2016 24 Ottobre

Choice of civilization

Day for Life 2017: caring for the young and of the elderly

The message for the next Day for Life, celebrated on February 5 2017, refers to children’s dreams. It is not a poetic licence. What do children dream? They usually dream things they are promised by adults: a beautiful day, a prize, an excursion with the family, a time for leisure. In addition to this, adults […]

di Marco Doldi

2016 17 Ottobre

Heightened tension

Moscow and Washington were never so distant. But neither of them would strike first

Over the past weeks relations between Russia and the United States reached the highest level of tension in the past decades, probably the most serious since the mid-1980s. A nuclear catastrophe is not behind the corner: the governments of Moscow and Washington have no intention of waging an open, direct war. However, the situation is […]

di Stefano Costalli

2016 14 Ottobre

Holy Year, a preliminary evaluation

Jubilee: pilgrimage to Rome or Holy Door “near home”? The doubts of the German-speaking faithful

The German and Austrian Churches “responded with deep faith” to the Holy Year of Mercy. Not only large dioceses, but also individual parish communities have organized pilgrimages to Rome and to the Vatican, highlighting “the importance of the proposal of Pope Francis to fully live the Jubilee also at local level”, and in the shrines […]

di Massimo Lavena

2016 28 Settembre

Vita da fotoreporter

Se una foto ad Amatrice può essere di troppo e invade l’intimità di chi soffre

Il 24 settembre ad Amatrice (un mese esatto dal sisma) entro in punta di piedi nella tenda dove si sta celebrando Messa. Non come un ladro ma come una persona che non vuole disturbare, cerco la posizione che possa dare meno fastidio a tutti. Non sto neppure in piedi per non impedire la vista a chi sta dietro di […]

di Marco Calvarese

2016 27 Settembre

The old continent is marking time

EU: solidarity, a word that must be recovered. With an additional project

The image that could best describe European reality today is the image of a woman watching the sun slowly go down. That person is not necessarily old, for age doesn’t always determine the decline of energy, enthusiasm, and of the yearning to seek alternative options. Thus it wouldn’t be appropriate to make cross-generational comparisons. Instead, […]

di Paolo Bustaffa

2016 24 Settembre

East European Church

Francis in Georgia amidst growing anticipation. The suffered witness of the small Catholic community

“Catholics in Georgia are preparing to welcome the successor of Peter, looking forward to a testimony of the faith which they strongly need in an environment which not always encourages their presence”, said Father Akaki Chelidze, chancellor of the Apostolic Administration for the Caucasus and the Latin rite, first Catholic of the Camillian order in […]

di Anna T. Kowalewska