Thomas Jansen

2016 04 Luglio

The Old Continent to the test

Brexit: a nationalistic virus. Britain’s second thoughts and the future of the European Union

In times of crisis, there is a great temptation to join the front of the sceptics and the prophets of doom who interpret every critical event, every single difficulty, as proof of the fact that the whole venture is doomed to failure. According to these criteria, it has been repeatedly claimed that British citizens have […]

di Thomas Jansen

2016 04 Luglio

Never forget

Elie Wiesel, the man, the Jew, the writer who “believed in God against God”

The night is waning and Light makes its way through for A-7713, deported from his home town of Sighet in the Carpathians to Auschwitz, where he arrived May 6 1944: “I will never forget those flames that forever consumed my faith.” Buna and Buchenwald followed. For Nazi insanity the fifteen-year-old Jew Elie Wiesel was a […]

di Cristiana Dobner

2016 02 Luglio

Chiesa e tecnologia

La preghiera corre anche su WhatsApp

In principio fu Benedetto XVI con un tweet il 12 dicembre 2012, ma solo per restare in questo millennio, visto che se dovessimo cercare le origini della divulgazione multimediale del messaggio della Chiesa, dovremmo tornare indietro almeno allo storico 12 febbraio 1931, quando Pio XI pronunciò le prime parole al mondo intero attraverso le frequenze […]

di Marco Calvarese

2016 30 Giugno

Kilometres and prayers

On foot from Slovakia to Krakow. Headed towards the WYD to discover “all the shades of mercy”

Several hundred young boys and girls from across Slovakia have been preparing for the event, putting to the test their spiritual strength as well as their physical condition for a sole purpose: to reach Krakow on foot and celebrate the World Youth Day with Pope Francis and with hundreds of thousands of Catholic peers from […]

di Danka Jaceckova (from Bratislava)

2016 21 Giugno

International seminar

Greece caught in the grips of the economic crisis and of the refugee emergency. The Country can and must be helped

Some cultural initiatives are more significant than others. It’s the case of the international seminar “Greece, European paradox, between crisis and refugees”, promoted by the Jubilee campaign “The right to remain in one’s homeland” and by the national campaign “One human family: food for all. It’s our responsibility.” The event will take place in Athens […]

di Giulio Albanese

2016 16 Giugno

Elections ahead

To remain or to leave? The United Kingdom in the grips of populist drives. Politicians divided; voters confused

A few days ahead of the Brexit vote that will decide whether Great Britain will remain or leave Europe’s “common home”, the tones of the Brexit debate are heating up. In these islands where phlegm is a leitmotif, populism worms its way through with emphatic tones, high-strung statements, raised slogans on both sides: to “remain!” […]

di Silvia Guzzetti from London

2016 07 Giugno

WYD overseas

Chicago-Krakow: US youths are packing their luggage. Friends yearning to meet Jesus

The World Youth Day scheduled to take place in Krakow next July 26-31 is awaited with great anticipation, while catechesis activity and preparations for the event gather pace. Parishes, dioceses, associations and youth movements are fully mobilized. At least 30 thousand US youths will soon be leaving for Poland. One of the most active among […]

di Damiano Beltrami from the United States

2016 03 Giugno


Pope Francis at the Jubilee of Mercy for Priests: the priests let their hearts be pierced by the love of God and for the people, they don’t seek consensus

He knows how to include, he gets his hands dirty because he wants “no gloves”, his is no longer “a fluttering heart”. Rather, it is a heart rooted firmly in the Lord, pierced by the love of God. He is not “an inspector of his flock”, nor “an accountant of the spirit” but a good […]

di Giovanna Pasqualin Traversa

2016 03 Giugno

London and the “Common home”

Brexit, increasingly unpredictable referendum . Without the United Kingdom the EU would be less European

British Prime Minister David Cameron is playing with Europe and with his Country. It’s a strange political behaviour that of a leader who claims that he wants to remain inside the European Union while launching – in the name of an erroneous interpretation of democracy – a popular consultation on such a complex issue, entrusted […]

di Jean-Dominique Durand, France

2016 01 Giugno

The Jubilee in California

Mercy lived in first person. The diocese in Oakland, an “outgoing Church”

A mosaic of stories depicting a whole community; a collage of authentic experiences; a collective document. It’s the multimedia project ( launched by the diocese of Oakland in California (United States), coordinated by the Bishop, Monsignor Michael Barber, to transform the Jubilee of Mercy into a new beginning, made of spiritual and material activities. The […]

di Damiano Beltrami from Oakland (California)