Luigi Crimella

2016 31 Maggio

Transatlantic agreement

Why the Ttip is viewed with concern. The pros and cons. The political realm should explain, clarify, reassure

The ongoing debate on the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) ushers in a new step in the globalization process, for Italy and Europe as a whole. Two players are engaged in the debate: on the one side the European Union on the mandate of member Countries, on the other the United States of America, […]

di Luigi Crimella

2016 30 Maggio

It happens in Northern Europe

Denmark: sharing meals to fight loneliness. New friendships are born around the table

Eating together is good for us. On these grounds the “Popular movement against loneliness” (Folkebevægelsen mod Ensomhed), set up in Denmark, has launched the campaign “Danmark spiser sammen”, Denmark eats together. It all began in 2015 after the publication of the findings of the survey: “Loneliness in the population: presence and methodological considerations”, commissioned by […]

di Sarah Numico

2016 27 Maggio

Consecrated Life

Church and money. The funds of the religious are languishing. Time for transparency and sobriety in economic management

While the rules are clear, as pertains to economic and financial management, the same cannot be said for their implementation, which requires a stronger commitment in order to ensure transparency and shun the temptation of power, mindful of the fact that the poor are at the centre of Church activity. It is a widely acknowledged […]

di Riccardo Benotti

2016 18 Maggio

Voices from South-America

Venezuela is a step from the chasm and at a crossroads: “Total submission to authority or social upheaval?”

Venezuela is a step from the chasm: the lack of food and medicine, high levels of violence and crime, skyrocketing inflation (180% in 2015, but according to forecasts by the International Monetary Fund, figures will escalate to 500% in 2016 and to 1600% in 2017), scarce availability of products except on the black market, rise […]

di Patrizia Caiffa

2016 16 Maggio

General Assembly

Pope Francis to Italian Bishops: listen to the presbyters. “Belonging to the Lord, to the Church, to the Kingdom”

Three questions to reflect on “three” spheres that priestly ministry “belongs to.” “To the Lord, to the Church, to the Kingdom”. In the opening address to participants in the 69th general assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI), devoted to “renewal of the clergy”, (Vatican, May 16-19), Pope Francis did not wish to offer “a […]

di Vincenzo Corrado

2016 13 Maggio

World Youth Day and new media

The first social WYD. Two million young people in Krakow to reach a billion

From the Salesian seminary, on the outskirts of Krakow, where a meeting dedicated to the WYD, promoted by the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE) is under way, with over 50 participants, including journalists and delegates of European bishops’ conferences, the spokesperson of the Polish bishops Fr Pawel Rytel Adrianik, pointed out that “never before was there […]

di from our correspondent Daniele Rocchi

2016 11 Maggio

An Appointment to Bruxelles

Jàn Figel, flag bearer of religious freedom in the world. “We seek answers in dialogue and we find them”

“The freedom of religion and belief is a fundamental right at the base of the building of the European Union. In light of the continuing persecutions of ethnic and religious minorities, it becomes even more important to protect and promote this right within and outside the EU”. For this reason, the president of the European […]

di Danka Jaceckova

2016 10 Maggio

Voices from the Church

Lutheran bishop Margot Kässmann, “Pope Francis? He is telling the world who Christians are”

Luther’s Reformation? 500 years later, Catholics and Lutherans are once again called to question lifestyle and consolidated practice to reflect on whether today’s Church has remained faithful to its Gospel roots and whether she is capable to present the quest of God in Western secularized societies. Lutheran bishop Margot Kässmann, ambassador of Germany’s Evangelical Church […]

di Chiara Biagioni

2016 28 Aprile

My Holy Door

From St. Peter’s to Amman. The door of the refugees’ church has become “my” Door of mercy

On December 8 I was present at the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s. In the pontifical Chapel we all followed Pope Francis pass through the Holy Door, all of us wearing our sashes and multicolour skullcaps. However, I asked myself whether this is what Jesus wants. Indeed, all those who have passed […]

di Notker Wolf

2016 26 Aprile


Overcome by emotion: youths and educators alike. A Pope who listens and embraces

It will take some time to understand what has happened in Rome throughout the Jubilee of Young People. Like all great things. In fact, the experience had been carefully conceived and planned, but as often happens when the young generations are involved, surprises are part of the final picture. There were only few days available, […]

di Michele Falabretti