Chiara Biagioni

2016 24 Marzo


Attacks in Brussels. Tomorrow Belgian mosques will be holding a National Day Against Terrorism and prayers for the victims

Tomorrow, Friday March 25, Belgian mosques will be celebrating a “National Day Against Terrorism”, promoted by the Council of Theologians gathered the evening of March 23rd in Brussels to decide concrete actions to be undertaken on the wake of the March 22 attacks. The Council of Theologians invites all imams in Belgium to “firmly” condemn […]

di Chiara Biagioni

2016 16 Marzo

Ten thousand Holy doors

Jubilee: successful decentralization. For Francis numbers don’t count

It’s one of those news items we seldom read in the papers: ten thousand Holy Doors have been opened in this Year of Mercy. Over two million eight hundred thousand people have passed through the Doors in the first 100 days of the Jubilee. It should be said that it would be impossible to make […]

di Fabio Zavattaro

2016 10 Marzo

Referendum in Great Britain

A re-foundation of Europe will be needed. With or without the British

On the night of February 19 the Heads of government and State of the European Union have adopted an agreement that redefines the United kingdom’s adhesion to the EU. The next day, British PM David Cameron called a government meeting and announced that the referendum will be held June 23rd. What is the bearing of […]

di Stefan Lunte

2016 09 Marzo

Migration and political agreements

Money and visas in exchange for refugee-camps. The strange “barter” between Turkey and the EU

Some consider it a ‘blank cheque’. Others describe it as a “do ut des”, as a negative compromise, as a “successful blackmail.” The conclusions of the summit between the EU and Turkey on 7 March continue to raise criticisms, objections and distinctions. The Heads of State or government of EU28 gathered in Brussels, have welcomed, […]

di Gianni Borsa

2016 07 Marzo

A gaze on the Pontificate

Philosopher Marramao: also lay people need Pope Francis’ “forgiveness”

“The spirit of forgiveness” can be a fertile ground for the fruitful “contamination” between the Catholic and secular realms, as “authentic forgiveness encompasses the qualifying dimension of othernness, which doesn’t exclude a disenchanted understanding of the conflicting aspects.” Philosopher Giacomo Marramao, Professor of Theoretical philosophy and Political philosophy at Roma Tre University, drew an outline […]

di M.Michela Nicolais

2016 04 Marzo

Parliamentary elections

Slovakia to the polls: renewed participation of Catholics. New faces to change the political system “from within”

“A new dawn of authentic values”, these words, that describe the months ahead of the national elections in Slovakia, due to be held on March 5, bode well. In particular, they refer to a movement of new political candidates from various areas of society, especially those of Christian inspiration. Many of them are young people. […]

di Danka Jaceckowa

2016 01 Marzo

Questions & Answers

Jubilee, instructions for use. How can indulgence be obtained? Ten things you should know

Almost two-and-a-half million pilgrims have taken part in Rome’s Jubilee to date. Upcoming events include the program “24 hours for the Lord” (“24 ore per il Signore”, March 4-5). The initiative is part of the major events that will be personally attended by Pope Francis, whose intention is to give special relevance to mercy and […]

di Riccarco Benotti

2016 26 Febbraio

Persecuted Christians

Cardinal Sandri: “The survival of Christians in the Middle East requires unity”

“They will perish together or they will survive together. The presence of Christians in the Middle East will continue being fundamental only if they manage to be living stones, witnesses of the Gospel in deeds and words. Christians’ survival in the Middle East can only be achieved if the churches remain united and if they […]

di Daniele Rocchi

2016 25 Febbraio

Debate on end-of-life

Euthanasia calls The Netherlands into question. But old and sick people need treatment, not an executioner

Some events that have occurred in Holland over the past weeks appeared to confirm the stereotype whereby in The Netherlands there is a great yearning to die, or to put to death, very old people or those seriously ill. Indeed, according to figures released by the Association of Dutch Doctors (Knmg), 5,300 assisted suicides were […]

di Sarah Numico

2016 12 Febbraio

A Europe of new walls

Revival of imperious nationalisms: the EU in danger. But there is no more room for small States

Given the current developments, it is likely that all those who over the past decades had supported the European unification process, persuaded by its fundamental goodness in the hope of its expansion as part of the Continent’s federal and democratic framework, will be profoundly disappointed. Probably these same people had also sought, in one way […]

di Thomas Jansen